Anonymous3: It should be Stan since Bill would be kind of lame on here. Besides it would be awesome if Hayley Smith Fischer did get involve with her father being they are so opposite politically that it would be a joke lol.
JuicyJosh: See this is exactly what will happen when you smoke pot and take ecstasy at the same time, hot daddy/daughter incest that will result a hopefully not deformed or retarded baby nine months later.
Anonymous4(3): Who says it has to be deformed or retarded? This is too hot not to happen and like I said earlier it's terrific being they are so opposite in just about everything that it's almost bound to happen. Hayley is way hotter than Francine anyway so Stan upgrades ;)
Anonymous10: Love Sfan and this pic is great but for one tiny little feature: Hayleys body looks too small, more like "Happy Haley" - the child one not the Hayley amnesia one. Her head is the right size though!
Anonymous12: I think this IS Stan and Hayley, both of them having gotten drunk, and, diving off a roof, escaped their pursuers! It was exactly what they were saying on one show, that if You were drunk, you'd go all loose in a crash or fall, and, not get injured like a sober person would! However, they NEVER mentioned going to bed with, and, screwing family members! It' probably what's happening with Steve and Francine, in the family room/Dungeon, Stan's got in their cellar.
Anonymous15(3): Regardless of what critics might say Hayley Smith Fischer in the arms of her father in the back of a pickup truck obviously having been royally fucked by him is super hot in any book. She's smart enough to use birth control if she doesn't want a kid & that way her & Stan can have this affair for years & years.
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Good job :v
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Dam Straight, to true
She No sexy = Simple as that!
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Moral of the story, just because your 19 doesn't mean your young enough to be 19. 8)
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