Casperthy_Frendligost: Of course, you should take your time. If you climax early, just keep thrusting until the lady is satisfied. Some ladies DON'T have orgasms, so it may be harder in these cases to judge...
Anonymous5: I LOL'd at the toons' expressions here. Poor Fifi looks so adorably disappointed, and rat-bastard Quicky is just shamelessly pleased with himself.
Greenagoo: If you wanted itto keep on going you should have fucked the energizer bunny, it's your own fault fifi. I mean, what did you expect from "Quicky"
SexySmellyNaomi: I like to think since he's a rabbit he can just keep going again and again. Pounding out one load after the other every minute or so. He just has to take a break every now and then and recharge with some Nesquik.
Anonymous6: It's Nestle Quik! Renaming it Nesquik is just redundant! It's Nestle Nesquik from Nestlé! Is that enough Nestle for you! You Nestlé-Ass Nestlé son of a Nestlé! NESTLÉ!!!!!
- Reply
If he was a good lover he'd please her after-sex. But nah, the chocolate milk comes first.