Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content.
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Uploaderthememelord, avatar
TagsBirdie, Polly, YouTube, churro_the_ferret, twinkie_the_ferret
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Info640x533 // 24KB // jpg
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DuffMan_EX: @Anonymous: Lolicon and Shotacon are acceptable as long as they are not real photographs or realistic 3D renders of children.
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Zvantastika: @bxcp:
Reporting for child porn. The only way to get the art off the site.

That's called report box abuse. No, that's not "the only way" to get images deleted, there's plenty of reasons and ways to get an image deleted and if you read the FAQ you'd know it. Next time READ the rules first before making something stupid.
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sinfulmarsh: @Anonymous: no reason to be ilegal if no citizen is being harmed
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Anonymous2: As long It's not 3D or Real It's not illegal.
Still,If you think about everything,Polly is 9,wich is kinda gross,jacking off to a nine yr old.
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Anonymous3: it's not exploiting actual children lmao what are y'all on about
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Thicclords: Room for one more?
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Anonymous4: Sashley was a thot

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