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Anonymous1: I thought Nakak was a boy. The more you learn I guess...
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: What? Do you not have ears? Or your sound muted? She has a voice.
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Anonymous3: Omfg i've looking for porn of this cutie for the longest time. I've always wished i could violate her 11 year old virgin pussy.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Most boys have a girly voice, have you ever talked to a phone when you were a kid and the asshole at the line called you miss
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Anonymous5: What the fuck, if you click it it takes you to a child porn site holy shit!!!
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Huh? Click what?
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Thankfully, nothing anymore.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Lol, virgin... if you dig for some meaning in one of her lines: "I've worked all kinds jobs in all kinds of places".