Anonymous1: Just gonna say it again, no offense to the artist, they did a great job. But no more caulifla and roshi, or kale and roshi, or kefla and roshi pics, it's kinda gross, like they shouldn't be fucked by him like at all, like kale, Caulifla, kefla, Mai, etc. Shouldn't be characters fucked by roshi, we need more kefla and cabba or vegito, more kale, caulifla, and cabba 3way, pretty much what I'm getting at is, kefla, kale, caulifla, Mai,etc should not be fucked by roshi, or that fat universe 10 guy, I honestly I hope this is the last roshi and caulifla, and I hope there is no roshi and kale
Halo24013: @Anonymous: Also i think the point he was trying to make is that, those characters in general shouldn't be fucked by roshi,cause not gonna lie, I cringe when I see this XD. I think that was anon1 point
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I can dig it.
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