Anonymous5: @Anonymous: You're kidding yourself, Law would ruin this pic. Aethos clearly could have made this better, and is obviously not an amazing artist himself. But to say that Law would do better or that she is a better artist then Aethos is a wild imagination.
Terex_Titan: I wish that guy who always defends law and attacks better content creators finally had the balls to make a user name so we know when to ignore useless comments.
Anonymous7: Aphrodites depiction here is pretty conservative compared to her mythological appearance.
The bitch was basically born from Oceanus cut off ballsack that was thrown in the ocean. Her name comes from "aphros" - sea foam. She has semen in her goddamn name.
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The bitch was basically born from Oceanus cut off ballsack that was thrown in the ocean. Her name comes from "aphros" - sea foam. She has semen in her goddamn name.