iKami: It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up . . .
Anonymous11: I see where this is going, she's gonna force sex on Bart and have everyone in springfield watch wjile a lot of them point and laugh, others take pictures and film it on camera for porn on the internet and Bart can't stop her while he's getting raped by this older woman and the whole world knows it. Just kidding.
Anonymous16(15): - Edna): [pulling detention duty & finally all alone with only Bart there after everyone else left form school. With the need for naked body contact & sex pent up for weeks to the exploding point, she strips the suprised & now frightened boy of his clothes & arrogance & then herself]
- [the frightened boy, now in shock looking up at the first naked female in his young life hears her finally break the deathly silence in the room saying]
"I've been waiting for this opportunity to get back at you for a long time, El Barto. Prepare to get raped, you little shit (that's my pet name for you to show my adoration; do you like it my love?)! The pussy finally gets to swallow & tame the skinny little nubby mouse. Ha ha ha!"
- Bart was never the same after this. Quite as a mouse, pussy whipped & now car fucked every school day on the way home, pounded on a giant bean bag in the back of Edna's shag carpeted, all enclosed, skylight roofed, luxary travel van.
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Well Just you Eat This Instead, Boy.!
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It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up there "accidentally."
It never ends up . . .
What a sheltered life you lead.
- [the frightened boy, now in shock looking up at the first naked female in his young life hears her finally break the deathly silence in the room saying]
"I've been waiting for this opportunity to get back at you for a long time, El Barto. Prepare to get raped, you little shit (that's my pet name for you to show my adoration; do you like it my love?)! The pussy finally gets to swallow & tame the skinny little nubby mouse. Ha ha ha!"
- Bart was never the same after this. Quite as a mouse, pussy whipped & now car fucked every school day on the way home, pounded on a giant bean bag in the back of Edna's shag carpeted, all enclosed, skylight roofed, luxary travel van.