Anonymous1: TBH Trannies and Traps are just a waste of oxygen
if you're delusional enough to believe that you were 'bprn 2 da wrong gendrr' than you need serious psychological help
Just accept the gender you were born with and just fucking act normal
is it because ur such a goddamn attention whore and special snowflake? is that the only reason you do it?
"Imma" was a waste and you all have no reason to be sad about his dead. he was a waste
just fucking accept these people have serious problems and they're just crazy and are attention seeking
people that go in the opposite gender's bathrooms are disgusting perverts
He deserved his abuse for acting like such a damn moron!
if you're delusional enough to believe that you were 'bprn 2 da wrong gendrr' than you need serious psychological help
Just accept the gender you were born with and just fucking act normal
is it because ur such a goddamn attention whore and special snowflake? is that the only reason you do it?
"Imma" was a waste and you all have no reason to be sad about his dead. he was a waste
just fucking accept these people have serious problems and they're just crazy and are attention seeking
people that go in the opposite gender's bathrooms are disgusting perverts
He deserved his abuse for acting like such a damn moron!