Anonymous1: It's ok to trace stuff for reference. But you need to understand that proportions change with age. This is clearly a woman's body, with Ash head on top.
Leonymous: @Nearphotison: If you consider yourself an artist, then you shouldn't ignore and feel slighted over genuine criticism. Your drawings generally look like oversized boys drawn on top of adult women, different bodies have different proportions. You can do it better.
Anonymous5: @Nearphotison: So you do what he says you do, as you just proved. And I mean, he literally just went ahead and did it better than you just to prove his point. What is the point of claiming you don't ingore or feel slighted by critism if in the very next comment you do just tht thing, after he showed proff that it is possible to do it better. Besides, the you couldn't do better argument is shitty, and basically inmunizes shit. Could yo do better than Shaymalan's The Last Airbender? The don't critisize that obviusly terrible movie.
Nearphotison: @Anonymous: I never said if you can't do it better don't criticize. That was something some Anon like you said. I said I don't ignore and feel slighted over -genuine- criticism. Obviously my point was that I do not think Leonymous' criticism is genuine. None of the changes made in his edit are improvements in my eyes. I drew Ash at least similar to how he's drawn in the anime. I might concede that the legs ended up a little long in this pic, since I was trying to accentuate a specific dramatic angle, but literally no other change made in that edit is one I agree with. I listened to what was said, I saw the example, and I disagree. At best it comes down to a matter of taste, and I'm not going to change how I draw to adhere to one random person's tastes over my own.
Leonymous: @Nearphotison: I was being confrontational but I wasn't being rude.
So I made another example to prove my point
Characters that age have stubbier legs, chubbier arms, and bigger heads. You don't draw defined muscles with hard lines, they have fat over them. You don't keep the proportions of the person you trace on, you use it as reference. They don't have breasts they have flat chests.
Leave the ego outside. It's a pain in the ass to see a talented dbz artist make dumb mistakes because he doesn't pay attention or doesn't practice or care. You can make much better drawings.
Anonymous6: Not sure if it comes down to personal taste or whatever, but i think a couple things from the edit from this pic that i believe works better overall are the changes to the shoulders and the neck. They're more broad and masculine, but i'm not sure if that has to due with the leg thing too where something was being attempted with the perspective. And yeah of course not to mean any disrespect to the artist, it's one thing to make edits to existing artworks and another thing entirely to do the whole thing from scratch.
Nearphotison: @Anonymous: I'm sorry, but I really don't think a 10-year-old boy should have the same shoulders and neck as a grown man. I respect your opinion on the matter, but for me that was the most egregious change made in the edit.
Anonymous7: Sorry to say, but both examples of the edited pictures are far superior. Don't get me wrong, Nearphotism does amazing pictures and is nice enough do commissions, however, it's clear from time to time, bodily proportions are way off.
Also, the edited pictures don't show Ash or Goten with masculine body types, but they are overall less effeminate. Even their skin colour is more appropriate to their original depictions in the shows.
If anything, Nearphotism should take the criticism on the chin. But I've taken note of their rather dismissive response and even calling the edits terrible. In my opinion, they elevate your existing work.
Nearphotison: I guess the point I'm trying to make here, guys, is that I -like- effeminate boys. I thought that was obvious and didn't need to be said, but here it is. The way I draw them is the way I -want- to draw them. It's not a mistake, it's not an error, it's my intent. If you don't like that, I'm sorry, but I'm not really interested in your opinion. -My- opinion is that the edits are worse. They're gaudy, chubby, ugly versions of drawings I did on the quick (Character Asks are meant to be simple, easy-to-release pictures). The color choices are terrible, the design changes range from reasonable to terrible, but overall I am not impressed. That's my opinion, and I'm just as entitled to it as you are yours.
I find the approach taken to try and convince me that my tastes are somehow wrong incredibly rude and offensive. The second you took the path of editing my work in an attempt to "improve" it (an entirely subjective statement, by the way), you lost any chance of me taking you seriously. There's no way I would be anything but upset at a bitch move like that, and it's my assumption you knew that and that's why I accuse you of trying to piss me off. If your goal is to change an artists mind about their own work, maybe don't use trolling and harassment techniques to try and get your message across. Even if you were right I would ignore you pulling that kind of shit.
MV: This comment thread gives me a headache. Some artists don't like edits of their own work. At least he's not demanding they be taken down over some moral high ground or some shit.
I do have to agree that the legs and the fingers look too long though, even if it is supposed to be a perspective thing.
Leonymous: @Nearphotison: You did traced pictures of Pandora's box, and used parts of poses from different pictures to create new ones... but what I did is wrong and offensive?
I have no way to show you my point without making a picture myself. Even if you like an effeminate style it doesn't change the fact that the characters are wrongly proportioned, it's not a matter of taste or opinion, it is an anatomical fact. And practicing and correcting that will improve your art, and create better and more commission opportunities for you.
As I said, I believe you have talent to make good pictures, but I guess I'm the asshole for trying to help.
Get the stick out of your ass man, no good artist dismisses criticism. Opinions don't change reality.
Anonymous12: @Nearphotison: Buddy, chill, your art is generally good, and this piece isn't even bad as a whole, but the proportions are obviously off. I'm not the kind to go crazy about accuracy about this kind of thing, I mean, it's porn, but Ash's legs on this pic would make him taller than James.
Great job Nearphotison, keep doing what you're doing, you're good at it *w*
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So I made another example to prove my point
Characters that age have stubbier legs, chubbier arms, and bigger heads. You don't draw defined muscles with hard lines, they have fat over them. You don't keep the proportions of the person you trace on, you use it as reference. They don't have breasts they have flat chests.
Leave the ego outside. It's a pain in the ass to see a talented dbz artist make dumb mistakes because he doesn't pay attention or doesn't practice or care. You can make much better drawings.
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Also, the edited pictures don't show Ash or Goten with masculine body types, but they are overall less effeminate. Even their skin colour is more appropriate to their original depictions in the shows.
If anything, Nearphotism should take the criticism on the chin. But I've taken note of their rather dismissive response and even calling the edits terrible. In my opinion, they elevate your existing work.
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I find the approach taken to try and convince me that my tastes are somehow wrong incredibly rude and offensive. The second you took the path of editing my work in an attempt to "improve" it (an entirely subjective statement, by the way), you lost any chance of me taking you seriously. There's no way I would be anything but upset at a bitch move like that, and it's my assumption you knew that and that's why I accuse you of trying to piss me off. If your goal is to change an artists mind about their own work, maybe don't use trolling and harassment techniques to try and get your message across. Even if you were right I would ignore you pulling that kind of shit.
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I do have to agree that the legs and the fingers look too long though, even if it is supposed to be a perspective thing.
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I have no way to show you my point without making a picture myself. Even if you like an effeminate style it doesn't change the fact that the characters are wrongly proportioned, it's not a matter of taste or opinion, it is an anatomical fact. And practicing and correcting that will improve your art, and create better and more commission opportunities for you.
As I said, I believe you have talent to make good pictures, but I guess I'm the asshole for trying to help.
Get the stick out of your ass man, no good artist dismisses criticism. Opinions don't change reality.
Also I never said "improve", you said that.