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Anonymous1: wat
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Noka: ...Wow.
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RisenHentaiDemon: people like you who are into disgusting shit like this need to be sterilized
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MarkRobins: Awesome <3
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Anonymous2: this is so hot great job
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Anonymous3: You disgust me!
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Anonymous4: TomSickingTheFbiCatsOnEm.jpg
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Anonymous5: How do i react or respond to this shit?
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Anonymous6: i gotta admit i only clicked because of curiosity and to see comments, but don't kinkshame, guys. that's not cool. nothing wrong with drawing fucked up shit, not like they're out there doing this in real life. i may not be into this fetish, but this is good art, definitely better than i can do. you do you, artist bro, don't give a crap what haters say.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: White Knight Cuck Detected
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Twin_Uzis: The art's shit but the butthurt comments make it worth it
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Anonymous8: The arts good, as in the skill not the theme. Everyone in these comments are so triggered it’s funny, for an example look at anon2’s beautiful grammar.
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Anonymous9: I don´t know how can this be exciting
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Anonymous10: bless you fifi, you never fail to deliver the hot old man gore
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Anonymous11: If you get off to this you have problems but that's ok because I don't care
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: and you here complaining shit on rule34, what a sjw...
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Anonymous13: I know it's R34 and all, but jesus fucking christ this is sickening. For those who actually wank off to this shit needs serious help.
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BigDickEnergy: Delicious Black Magic.
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: can't argue with that comment.
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Anonymous15: if you think this is hot then you need to be in a mental hospital holy shit--
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DieInAFire: these comments tho
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Anonymous16: This shit makes me want to fucking cum inside my dead, maggot filled, cat with a blowtorch through my penis like a breeding ram with tourettes. And fuck you guys for hating on my fetish of frozone's big black, throbbing penis inside the severed neck of winston's mutilated corpse. cunts.
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Mopi: welp, from all the porn on R34, I didn't expect this one in the character of Winston, of all. But, anyways is very nice, my dude.
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Anonymous17: Definitely not my cup of tea, but the quality of the drawing is good. The only real amusement I get from art like this is absolutely without a doubt the comments. Like, this shit is almost more entertaining than most stand up comedy lol
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Anonymous18: This is a fetish, guys. It's called gore something, but it's a fetish.
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: You mean Necrophilia?
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Anonymous20(19): @Anonymous: Yeah, but then there are sick individuals like yourself, who are not mentally wrapped too tight, who genuinely need to go outside touch some grass see a therapist and get to the psychiatric hospital. Immediately. And honestly speaking, clearly, you spend WAY too much time at home literally jacking off to shit like this piece of fucking hot ass garbage that should not exist, but unsurprisingly enough, does.
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Anonymous21(19): @Anonymous: True. Like that's one I've got to admit. Watching these creepy weirdos arguing about it's totally fine to be interested into this, trying to legit normalize this shit, and how there's absolutely nothing wrong with drawing crap like this. It's hilarious, not going to lie. As if doing this shit in real life is definitely not going to get you in jail. Lol.
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Anonymous22(19): @Anonymous: Absolutely, because there is nothing wrong with liking this, and this is totally NOT fucked up. I don't know what's wrong with you guys, your just a bunch of haters XD. LMFAO.
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Anonymous23: Omg bro kill yourselfes all in the comment ill blacklist anything nsfw altough i have 90k favorite this is pure utter garbage scat gore necrophilia shit femboy male/male oh and ill blacklist 300.000 artist on these 100 rule 34 site

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