SpY: tl;dr
Utilizator, you did trace in the past and since "Anonymous never forgets" is a law on the interwebz you eather go down the road and quit internet forevarz or accept your past mistakes go along with it.
queernigbilly: I like how you took the time to compile this image, but couldn't be bothered to use proper English.
If you believe your argument about it doesn't matter how the pic was made as long as the end result is decent, then why didn't you just put a disclaimer on images that you traced saying that they were in fact traced? I mean you had to have noticed that people hate tracers, so you had to realize that many people DO care about how an image was made.
But whatever. I don't really follow your works aand never suspected you of tracing until I saw this image where you admitted to it.
Cyrzil: Not sure why you bothered to take the time to debunk what's at the most a couple jealous losers on this site. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if all the posts crying "tracer" are the same guy with multiple accounts. Just ignore the posers.
utilizator: SpY
>>Utilizator, you did trace in the past and since "Anonymous never forgets" is a law on the interwebz you eather go down the road and quit internet forevarz or accept your past mistakes go along with it.
well DUH, you didnt read about that part about tracing, i did say i accept my past mistakes and everything like that(altho i do not consider the mistakes anyway)
and sorry but english isnt my native language
>>but couldn't be bothered to use proper English.
i'm a lazy fuck
>>then why didn't you just put a disclaimer on images
didnt think it will cause so many butthurt
dunno, just felt like wanting too clear a few things
well whatever, i gues ur right, i shouldnt rly give a crap since i accepted what's comming anyway when i uploaded that alison angel sailormoon pic and became the asshole of the internet x]
ronko: out of the few artists i know, i don't think a single one hasn't been called a tracer at one point or the other. i guess this means you're doing something right.
provided that you aren't really a tracer, that is.
Kyhin: Awesome, I'm in a util pic. Either way, I stand by my comment. But yeah, most of those comments in the picture util is just them being funny. You admitted to tracing, so they will call every one of your pics a trace. Like they said, best it go with it, tho I definitely can't blame you for wanting to reply, this was good.
Also, putting a disclaimer on a picture? Might as well shit on it if you're gonna have tons of text like that on it.
Anonymous5: nebula, you haven’t seen drama, he could scream "OMG my "art" has been stolen!" than email the mods too pull it out from the site and add his shitty watermarks all over it so you couldn’t even see what's going on behind them
Anonymous6: anon5, dont even bother arguing against the retards. It's obvious that after utilizator debunks their "trace" claims, they cling on to whatever else is left
which is the past, and the "drama" and "baw'ing" which in reality was more like utilizator owning misfounded claims of stupidity.
newfags like to use "baw" when you bother to write anything seriously
Anonymous8: All I can say is this--the people that want to find the most fault with this artist are probably the same ones fapping to the thought of him being nude. So quit complaining to look cool and admit you wanna suck his balls. The end.
duke_nukem: once in the past, I remember discussing with utilizator about tracing, but that was a nice and fair discussion between two artist gay gentlemen on a topic so harmless as the sex of angels topic....
all this shit and concern about tracing-no tracing is a faggotry, gone out of hand. utilizator has shown to you all that he is an awsome artist by his own hand.
he has dramn TONS of marvelous pics, of awsome beautiness and kinkyness....the gods of rule34 are happy of having him among their art servants, so why the hell do you guys keep being mean and saying shit about his work?
really, really cant understand it.
I thought people were just picking on me, because I am a butthurt, and it was easy and fun to make go mad by saying bad things of my art... but now that I see that some DARE to say such things about utilizator´s work, I just have to face that the internet is full of morons.
Gogeta69z: i love your art utilizator fuck all these haters, i never even noticed any tracing and you do have an art style i can normally tell when you draw something especially if it's sailor moon, i follow you on hentai foundry, thought it was awesome when i first found you, cuz your work blew my mind, and i dont understand why anyone would hate tracers or look and work so hard to spot them, the traced pics dont normally have any trace lines or anything , you have to like go and look up pictures and match them up or something which is a weird thing to do and if the pic looks good and is hot who gives a fuck shut up and get yourself off or dont look at it and find something else damn, go kill yourself already you fucking haters
Anonymous14: I dunno why all these shitty okeaki posters and critique posters go all crazy on something as stupid as tracing. It's like they think their opinion is law and they are gods of the internet art world. I personally don't submit to any drama when fags like that attempt to bitch me out and you shouldn't either. Don't get all butt hurt form what they say, internet ain't that serious dood. And fuck, sometimes its hard to think of a pose and I trace, who gives a fuck? Industy pros for fuckin comics etc etc even trace sometimes. The only people gettin all crazy butthurt are elitest goofs on the net who either think they know everything and are the purist of pure, or jealous guys out to get yer goat and try to brag. Props to ya, trace if you want, I don't care and do it myself form time to time, and keep fuckin around.
>>the traced pics dont normally have any trace lines or anything , you have to like go and look up pictures and match them up
no, traced pics usualy look very bad cuz the one who is tracing them doesnt have the slightest idea what he is doing, real life anatomy and deformed anime head gives it away most of the time. however, if people who actualy know how too draw trace a pic, they improve and stilize the real world anatomy and the pic looks rly good and stuff, too bad there arent mutch tracers like this
MayarO: utilizator - FUCK what others say, yer good at this, keep it up...I really did enjoy this pic, the reading and seeing development of your work, it is great, just one word from me about it...
enough allready, stop making this into such a big deal, he said he only traced a few pics before, that's all, and it's not like anyone is attacking him or anything, just some fag ranting that's all.
Anonymous19: Even among the winiest Deviantards, tracing itself is not regarded as big deal (a crippling crutch at worst), failing to give proper credit is.
Putting a disclaimer on every pic is ridiculous, but if you really care about about people doubting your skills, being open about your sources/references/inspirations (when you use them) helps a lot.
And anon14: "Industy pros for fuckin comics" who do copy directly from reference/trace usually admit it (they even hire models to pose for them), those who don't become running jokes (Greg Land/Liefeld anyone?).
Anonymous22: Anon 21. My post was clear enough: copying DIRECTLY (replicating composition, posing, lighting and coloring; something that "pro artists" will sometimes do to save time) a picture takes far more skill than merely tracing it, but ethically is equivalent.
If you use someone's else work, you have to give credit.
Canuck-Errant: Hey, Utilizator. Have you seen the series "Mitsuko e Hatchin" yet? You should. Style is kind of close to the old Poison pics you did, and it's also a cool anime.
Anonymous32: I'm a comic artist who has worked for both big houses and have done a ton of porn commissions. everyone traces. period.
name an artist, they all have done it. Boris. Alex Ross. Jim Lee. All of them have traced.
Also, if Utilizator is trying to achieve the "too" look, then it doesn't matter if he traced or not since all cartoonists trace.
Stunjelly: You can try and debate if this guy traces stuff or not, but can you really say that his stuff is NOT the cream of the crop?
He draws porn of famous cartoon characters, he doesn't rip off Earnest Hemingway to write a book.
FYI, did you know Leonardo Da Vinci modeled the Mona Lisa after the proportions of his own face from self portraits? I guess that means they should throw that thing in the trash huh?
Stop with the fucking drama! I'm here to have an orgasm or two because I was horny, not read shit about losers commenting on what's traced and what's not. That's a boner-killer.
Rule #34 is for porn. Not Drama fags. Gtfo my porn and take your trolling elsewhere.
Now back to routine. *clicks next picture and faps*
Anonymous48: He could have just drawn another hot pic during the time it took to put this response together and then making an account here for the sole purpose of posting it.
Also, I don't care if it's traced or not, I just want more hot Sailor Moon pics.
Anonymous49: I believe Johnathan Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad theory is very much in play here. I seem to recall the formula went something like this.
Perfectly normal human being + Audience + Anonymity = Total fuckwad
Anonymous55: When you win an argument, but stinkin' merikan's need to use the "but muh English" as a scapegoat to win an argument. You're fucking sad, all of you lmao, no wonder your country is falling apart.
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also if you let anons cause drama on your behalf, fail on you
that is all
Shame on you!
Seriously, good going.
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Utilizator, you did trace in the past and since "Anonymous never forgets" is a law on the interwebz you eather go down the road and quit internet forevarz or accept your past mistakes go along with it.
English, motherfucker! Do you write it?!
You best be trolln'
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If you believe your argument about it doesn't matter how the pic was made as long as the end result is decent, then why didn't you just put a disclaimer on images that you traced saying that they were in fact traced? I mean you had to have noticed that people hate tracers, so you had to realize that many people DO care about how an image was made.
But whatever. I don't really follow your works aand never suspected you of tracing until I saw this image where you admitted to it.
>>Utilizator, you did trace in the past and since "Anonymous never forgets" is a law on the interwebz you eather go down the road and quit internet forevarz or accept your past mistakes go along with it.
well DUH, you didnt read about that part about tracing, i did say i accept my past mistakes and everything like that(altho i do not consider the mistakes anyway)
and sorry but english isnt my native language
>>but couldn't be bothered to use proper English.
i'm a lazy fuck
>>then why didn't you just put a disclaimer on images
didnt think it will cause so many butthurt
dunno, just felt like wanting too clear a few things
well whatever, i gues ur right, i shouldnt rly give a crap since i accepted what's comming anyway when i uploaded that alison angel sailormoon pic and became the asshole of the internet x]
provided that you aren't really a tracer, that is.
Also, putting a disclaimer on a picture? Might as well shit on it if you're gonna have tons of text like that on it.
Now that's drama.
which is the past, and the "drama" and "baw'ing" which in reality was more like utilizator owning misfounded claims of stupidity.
newfags like to use "baw" when you bother to write anything seriously
inb4 someone tells me to bawww
ps. i used 4chan lingo, i'm obviously cool now
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all this shit and concern about tracing-no tracing is a faggotry, gone out of hand. utilizator has shown to you all that he is an awsome artist by his own hand.
he has dramn TONS of marvelous pics, of awsome beautiness and kinkyness....the gods of rule34 are happy of having him among their art servants, so why the hell do you guys keep being mean and saying shit about his work?
really, really cant understand it.
I thought people were just picking on me, because I am a butthurt, and it was easy and fun to make go mad by saying bad things of my art... but now that I see that some DARE to say such things about utilizator´s work, I just have to face that the internet is full of morons.
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>>the traced pics dont normally have any trace lines or anything , you have to like go and look up pictures and match them up
no, traced pics usualy look very bad cuz the one who is tracing them doesnt have the slightest idea what he is doing, real life anatomy and deformed anime head gives it away most of the time. however, if people who actualy know how too draw trace a pic, they improve and stilize the real world anatomy and the pic looks rly good and stuff, too bad there arent mutch tracers like this
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BTW, loved that Penny pose...HAWT!!!
enough allready, stop making this into such a big deal, he said he only traced a few pics before, that's all, and it's not like anyone is attacking him or anything, just some fag ranting that's all.
Putting a disclaimer on every pic is ridiculous, but if you really care about about people doubting your skills, being open about your sources/references/inspirations (when you use them) helps a lot.
And anon14: "Industy pros for fuckin comics" who do copy directly from reference/trace usually admit it (they even hire models to pose for them), those who don't become running jokes (Greg Land/Liefeld anyone?).
If you use someone's else work, you have to give credit.
thred over.
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name an artist, they all have done it. Boris. Alex Ross. Jim Lee. All of them have traced.
Also, if Utilizator is trying to achieve the "too" look, then it doesn't matter if he traced or not since all cartoonists trace.
Don't be a hater.
I meant to say "toon" style.
anyway. good work, please post more.
He draws porn of famous cartoon characters, he doesn't rip off Earnest Hemingway to write a book.
FYI, did you know Leonardo Da Vinci modeled the Mona Lisa after the proportions of his own face from self portraits? I guess that means they should throw that thing in the trash huh?
That is all.
My love to the anons who started this
the disclaimer comes with all anons
something along the line of durrr hurrr
Stop with the fucking drama! I'm here to have an orgasm or two because I was horny, not read shit about losers commenting on what's traced and what's not. That's a boner-killer.
Rule #34 is for porn. Not Drama fags. Gtfo my porn and take your trolling elsewhere.
Now back to routine. *clicks next picture and faps*
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Also, I don't care if it's traced or not, I just want more hot Sailor Moon pics.
Perfectly normal human being + Audience + Anonymity = Total fuckwad
I swear iv seen this exact angry paragraphs and sketches on some japanese blog
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