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TagsLeo, Leo's_Mother, Leonardo_The_2nd, Orange_Box, VG_Butts, VG_Cats, webcomic
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St_Alfonzo: but do cats even lik water? ib confuzed
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Anonymous1: Not in this webcomic, also I approve as well.
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ShadowMan: Bolly!
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Anonymous2: How can they have an outlet in the bathroom!?
Its dangerous!
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Anonymous3: You don't have outlets in your bathroom? Do you live in the forest or something?
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Anonymous4: Rofl.
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Anonymous5: monocle!
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Anonymous6: The cats are talking, and Alfonzo is confused as to why one of them is taking a shower...*sigh*
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Anonymous7(2): No we dont, its against the law to have that
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Anonymous8: Anon6, are you for real?... because where i come from, you take showers either behind a curtain or behind a sheet of glass, so i don't see why you WOULDN"T have an outlet, because just having a light switch would be just as dangerous.

that being said, fucking hot, and fukken saved
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anomalous: In the UK it's against building regulations to have an outlet near water or something like that. Is that right?
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Anonymous9: We use GFCI outlets only in bathrooms, so you can't get electrocuted. Outlawing them entirely is retarded.
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Siege_TF: Only domestic sized cats don't like water, because they can get hypothermia. Bigger breeds don't hate water, tigers in particular are fond of it.

Fap, fap, fap.
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StegbIob: I like how nobody notices the yellow, soapy cat titties.
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nebula: electrical safety first, cat titties second
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w00terz: I prefer the yellow soapy cat fur :3
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KirbyMST3K: Approved
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Joe-kun: Isn't that Leo's Mom, btw?
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Anonymous10: I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that's why it's tagged "Leo's Mother."
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Anonymous11: I'm about to end the outlet debate with two words: Electric razor.
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warrior: what? against the law? damn.

I guess i can go to jail for charging my laptop while onit, while taking a shit.
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Anonymous12: I came. That is all.
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Dak_Darklighter: VG Butts: Full of WIN.
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Anonymous13: Why the fuck is there no Krug or pantsman or anyother character? in the porn?
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Anonymous14(1): Because they would ruin the moment.
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Anonymous15: Leo aproves :D.
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pomponio: MONOCLE!
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Anonymous16: I want KRUG porn! where the fuck is Krug! if there is a pic in 34, please give me a link!
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Anonymous17: wait.. isnt that his mom?
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Dagger: now we need some group sex with leo, leo II and leos mom in the shower.
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Anonymous19: Now we need a pic with Leo The First, Leo the Second and current Leo all doing Leo's mom
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Anonymous20(19): Also FGSFDS
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Anonymous21: SOME cats DO like water, so, don't allow this apparent contradiction to interfere with you enjoyment of the above cartoon. And now, back to your regularly scheduled self-abuse.
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Anonymous22: One thumbs up for cat, two giant ones for furry kind.
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evilpika: BOLLY!
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Anonymous23: BOLLEY!
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Anonymous24: I seem to recall GFCIs are required in bathrooms, kitchens, basements and outdoors.

Also, two bums up.
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Anonymous25: hot, but the fact that leo is attracted to his mother ruins it
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Anonymous26: anon24<< if your mom was hot you would probably fuck here and you know it...if you don't like it GTFO rule 34!!!
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Anonymous27: On that note I was actually in the UK and however said that outlets are outlawed their a re de de
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Anonymous29: How wonderfully open-minded kind of a Dad he is, for "sharing" his wife like that! Such class!
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Anonymous30: massive furry drain clog is coming there way.
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Anonymous31: @ Anon25


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Anon99: Cats are always doing incest anon24/30. Nothing abnormal here.
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Anonymous32: for furries jerking off thinking in your mother is normal
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CM672: ^Freudian slip of truly epic proportions right they-uh.
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Anonymous33: Tea and Crumpets!
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shawntails: and that's why you should ALWAYS close the door and LOCK it before taking a shower :3
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Anonymous34: MOOOOOOOOOOOOONICLE! Out of the three characters, Leo's mum is drawn best, and I'm not just saying that 'cause she's naked, wet and soapy, although it is a bonus. BOLLY!
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Anonymous35: Indeed Shawntails. It tends to happen a lot!
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Anonymous36: WTF is with the bloody noses i keep seeing?
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Anonymous37: @Anon35: Animu shit. It's a way to portray sexual arousement (sp?) without having the character pop a boner.
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Anonymous38: WTF? Blood noses equal turned on now? Did I miss the memo?
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Anonymous39: BOLLY!!!!
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Anonymous40: anon2 my house has one in the bathroom, and btw, its also a face... lol
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Anonymous41: Deeeeeerp
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Anonymous42: That's his mother! That's just wrong...he should definitly fuck her >:3
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Anonymous43: Nose bleed! MY FAVOURITE!!!!!
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Anonymous44: @St Alfonzo: Yes, many cats love the water. The Sweetish Van breed ADORES water.
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Shedy: @Anonymous: Lmao

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