ArielFan15: @tsukutarasu: Really dude? It didn't come across your mind to ASK first? -_- You couldn't even wait 24 hours before stealing my thunder on this -_-
tsukutarasu: @ArielFan15: The way I see it, I'm just giving your work more attention. Everyone knows you're the one who made the awesome gif. It's not like I added my name to the tag list. The funny thing is, I found the original movie clip with the sound file from what I can only assume is your very own YouTube channel. ;)
ArielFan15: @tsukutarasu: IT still would have been polite to ask. Plus I am just salty because your version of this got more likes and attention than my original -_-
This is a repost. My first attempt had some minor lip syncing issues. This one should be better. Overall, I think it came out pretty good.
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