TwistedMiseryXx: @loliKhorne: It's based of the Reference I got. And if by "shitted" you mean black, then I'm not sure how race can make an artwork bad. Or Your just racist
loliKhorne: @TwistedMiseryXx: You asked me to explain the downvotes, and I did. The animation is awful and SHITTED images generally get downvotes on this site. Probably because of how racial cuckery is such a popular motif and it pisses people off, even if no cucking was intended by the artist.
Don't ask me why the comment filter auto-corrects it to "shitted" I because I don't know. It just does.
TwistedMiseryXx: @loliKhorne: You only view it as awful because It's not your usual taste in art. 99% sure that's the reason. The only criticism you gave was the way her breast moved. Which i stated was based on a real gif. Other than that, it's just not your cup of tea. Another talent-less anon being negative that's all lol
loliKhorne: @TwistedMiseryXx: No, I view it as awful because the animation is bloody awful. Nothing of it really makes any kind of physical or anatomical sense. That you amateurishly traced it off a porn .gif doesn't change that. Quite the opposite.
You're in no position to call anyone else talantless, lol. Learn to draw and animated properly from scratch instead. Your "art" is bad and you should feel bad.
TwistedMiseryXx: @loliKhorne: Nothing is traced about it, i can show you a draft if you like. The anotomy is clear, she's on all fours and the guy is holding her. I'm in plently position. It was animated from scratch, in fact all mine are usual from scratch. Not some, loli-lover with a stupid name who never once drew in his pathetic life, but insteads uploads others' work and continous comments negative comments on works he doesnt like lol. Get real
loliKhorne: @TwistedMiseryXx: LOL. Aight mr. Talented Artist. Do elaborate on just what the fuck her tits are supposed to be doing? Her stage-right tit in particular. Is it meant to be swinging back and forth? Or just pulsate in place like some fucking tumour? Or is it meant to be constantly growing and shrinking?
Also, yeah I cannot animate. But neither can you mate. And at least I have the good grace not to pretend I that I can and get all pissy about it when someone criticizes my shitty attempts at it. If you cannot stand people criticizing your work, you shouldn't post it in a public forum like this.
TwistedMiseryXx: @loliKhorne: It isn't criticism when your jsut being negative with really no criticism at all. Infact most of the other works yuo commented on saying the same thing weren't bad either, your just a sad individul who thinks all works should fit your view
loliKhorne: @TwistedMiseryXx: Understanding my username is like Rick and Morty: you need a very high intelligence and a degree in theoretical physics to understand it. Or you could just look at the text of my avatar and put 1 and 1 together. Whatever works for you.
Nothing of the movements on display make any sense from an anatomical or physics point of view. Her butt looks like it is inflating and deflating, not being smack about during doggystyle. Her tits I've already explained in details. Her teeth changes colours because you didn't even care enough to make sure they were the same shade of white for all frames. I could go on, but I feel like I've made my point here.
loliKhorne: @TwistedMiseryXx: The "movement" (if you can call it that) of her tongue also makes no sense whatsoever, and what I can only assume to be supposed to be her lower teeth(?) keep popping in and out of existence. Seriously, a lot of it seems to just have been altered between frames for the sake of it - these details would've actually been just fine and probably looked better if kept static. You don't have to animate every single aspect of an image like this. Less is more and all that.
TwistedMiseryXx: @loliKhorne: See, that wasnt so hard lol You can give valid criticism w/o being a dick. I'm more than willing to take it. However, If not, I'll just respond the same way you talked.
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Don't ask me why the comment filter auto-corrects it to "shitted" I because I don't know. It just does.
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You're in no position to call anyone else talantless, lol. Learn to draw and animated properly from scratch instead. Your "art" is bad and you should feel bad.
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Also, yeah I cannot animate. But neither can you mate. And at least I have the good grace not to pretend I that I can and get all pissy about it when someone criticizes my shitty attempts at it. If you cannot stand people criticizing your work, you shouldn't post it in a public forum like this.
Deal with it.
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Nothing of the movements on display make any sense from an anatomical or physics point of view. Her butt looks like it is inflating and deflating, not being smack about during doggystyle. Her tits I've already explained in details. Her teeth changes colours because you didn't even care enough to make sure they were the same shade of white for all frames. I could go on, but I feel like I've made my point here.
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this upload is a piece of shit
its made fucking terribly, and twistedmisery's defending it comes across like a leftie defending a retarded kid like "oh but at least he tried"
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