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Uploaderdatnonymous, avatar
TagsAmalia_Sheran_Sharm, Evangelyne, Sadida, Tristepin, UnicornLord, Wakfu
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info3850x5950 // 10.0MB // png
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Anonymous1: take this down. now. thief.
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: Fuck off, Unicorn, you posted it publicly yourself.
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Anonymous2(1): I did not post this the full res publicly, care to try that again, thief?
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: It's taken directly from your tumblr you moron. Life's hard when you care more about causing drama than learning how to use the internet.
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Anonymous3(1): my tumblr isn't 5k pixels. try again.
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: Imagine being this tumblr-illiterate.
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Anonymous4(1): guy how do you think I can tell this patreon only version.
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: You are an ignorant drama queen who doesn't know how tumblr operates. Chill and educate yourself.
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Anonymous5(1): and you're a thief.
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Anonymous6(1): the tumblr one does even come close to this size, only maxing out 1900 pixels. this is a patreon-only resolution. you. are. a. fucking. thief.
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Anonymous7(1): thief. thief. thief. thief. thief.
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: You are a fucking retard, mate.
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Anonymous8: Unicorn Lord, learn how tumblr works: it stores RAW data of a picture as well, not just the 400/500/1280/whatever versions. So yeah, buddy, your power ends here. Besides, porn is free.
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Anonymous9: For what it's worth, the tumblr raw is only 1540x2380 for this pic.
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: It seems someone spoonfed the moron on tumblr so he realized his mistake and replaced the file with a resized version. You can check the reblogs - they still have the big version.
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Anonymous10: >he goes complain to Tumblr to remove the _raw functionality and fuck the whole internet over instead of resizing the pics himself
What a fucking crybaby.
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Anonymous11: I can't believe one cocksucker forced Tumblr stuff to remove _raw images on all blogs.
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Anonymous12: Why is such a low quality picture so large?
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datnonymous: @Anonymous: Because bad artists and ignorant casuals think big=good.
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sinfulmarsh: this is so sad
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Anonymous13: Did this tremendous figger-naggot just asked Tumblr (an ARTblog site i.e. fucking image posting site) to remove full resolution images because "muh hurt feefees!" "muh paywall!", and Tumblr consented? Sweet barrel rolling Christ. It's like if someone asked the Twitter staff to remove the retweet function because he/she hates to see stuff twice, and that things should be rare.
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Anonymous14: no one is supporting my shit artwork on patreon this is tumblrs fault
t. brainlet
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Anonymous15: artist of this image needs to commit sudoku
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Anonymous16: Tumblr's operated by flat-headed dunces. And this guy is a slant-eyed yellow-bellied subhuman cocksucker.
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Anonymous17: UnicornLord? ShitLord more like it, right? :/
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Anonymous18: Holy shit, this dumb fuck uploaded and dumb fuck artist ruined raw images for everyone on tumblr. Unbelievable. Subhuman garbage.
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Anonymous19: Fuck you unicunt. Throw your diseased fucking cock in a blender so you never breed, you selfish piece of shit.
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Anonymous20: >Has one person take his shitty artwork
>Has an autistic fit and bitches to tumblr to remove raw images
Jezus fucking crist attractive and successful African what kind of crybitch are you?
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upann: Guys, if you move to Pleroma, files are not downscaled.
Make good artists (not this one) move to Pleroma instances, and fuck tumblr!
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Decanter: @upann: Literally the first time I've heard of Pleroma. I thought the hipster version of Tumblr was
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Anonymous21: Hey, thanks a bunch for ruining raw images for everyone on Tumblr, Unicunt. I hope you're proud of yourself.
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Anonymous22: I concur, Fuck you for ruining raw images, but you sped up the demise of the only site that cared about your artwork I guess. Haha get fucked both ways right?
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Anonymous23: do you think unicorn spends hours of his time just to give you free porn then you attack him for being upset about it?
I don't even think this guy does art any more because i can't find it, probably got a job where he actually gets payed for doing it and just because this guy doesn't want his work being used for someone else's gain without permission doesn't mean you have to be such a prick to him think how you would feel if you spent hours on drawing something then it was for nothing because someone posted it here you be upset ofc I doubt any of you are artists otherwise you would probably understand so imagine you just finished a long day of work and then you don't get paid you would be mad not only because how the fuck are you gonna feed yourself but the fact that you did it and it was for nothing. (also tumblr ruined itself no one else)
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Anonymous24: this UniFag probably got washed along with all the other nsfw artists so everybody lost. Especially everybody else.
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Anonymous25: unifaggot please rope yourself
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Anonymous26(25): unicornlord more like faggotlord holy shit

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