duke_nukem: she was just too sweet.
she was breathtakingly beautiful (for that age in cartoons), exotic, and about her personality, she was caring, sensitive, and even motherly with a subtle touch of inocence.... so, in a nutshel, she would be the perfect woman for a 90% out of the male population out there, if I am not wrong. seing the whole series and getting in love with her is just the same thing.
people currently love katara, but I can tell: dark-skined angels were invented years ago.
brown little girls has allways been the best, that is simply a fact.
dlt: I was shown these cartoons in school and right from the get-go it told me how delicious brown girls are. I don't think that was the lesson to learn from it but I don't care.
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marvellous piece, thanks utilizator you are awsome
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she was breathtakingly beautiful (for that age in cartoons), exotic, and about her personality, she was caring, sensitive, and even motherly with a subtle touch of inocence.... so, in a nutshel, she would be the perfect woman for a 90% out of the male population out there, if I am not wrong. seing the whole series and getting in love with her is just the same thing.
people currently love katara, but I can tell: dark-skined angels were invented years ago.
brown little girls has allways been the best, that is simply a fact.
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My gf is from indonesia and looks pretty much like her. maybe i searched for psi without knowing it haha
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