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Anonymous1: The fuck did i just read and why did you put that here
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Some people have no life
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: imma just wondering why he cencored the bad words?
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: i’d Actually would’ve killed the fucker while she fucked him ti traumatize her for life for doing that to me. I’d would’ve made both of them suffer. Stab both his eyes with a knife and proceed to stab the knife through his left cheek, then I’d walk over and grab an pan/pot and proceed to wack him in the head with it, then I’d go and grab my hunter knife and proceed to skin him alive whilst simultaneously straggling her. After I’ve skinned him I’d proceed to rub salt and alcohol on his entire body. And then cut him deep in a few spots and let him bleed out, I would tie her to him so she can rest there on his dead rotting body until someone finally came to help them.