Anonymous1: "There's nothing Kuririn can do"
>Genjutsu doesn't work on non-chakra users
>Kuririn shits on most if not all of the Naruto-verse
Nice try at actually thinking this garbage would happen lul
And Itachi gets one-shot by Goku and Vegeta in their base forms lmaoooo
Anonymous2: @Crimson-Snow: As said anon 1 Itachi shits in goku and vegeta
@Anonymous: Chakra channels? it's the same nonsense as the ki channels that were seen in the opening and saga of raditz, Itachi would be violated controlling them easily
- Reply
>Genjutsu doesn't work on non-chakra users
>Kuririn shits on most if not all of the Naruto-verse
Nice try at actually thinking this garbage would happen lul
And Itachi gets one-shot by Goku and Vegeta in their base forms lmaoooo
@Anonymous: Chakra channels? it's the same nonsense as the ki channels that were seen in the opening and saga of raditz, Itachi would be violated controlling them easily