Anonymous15: @Anonymous: oh yeah sure, the whole internet "grew up". Come on, dude.
These characters are fictional. I personally don't find the pic hot or attractive in any way, but I don't give a fuck about it.
Rule34 is unstoppable and there will be porn with Lancer anyway. You may find it disgusting, of coursw, but instead of being the comment section warrior just go and find some nice porn for yourself.
Anonymous23: the fact that people actually like this is sickening, y’all really want to see a fictional 10 yr old to be raped by his father, have a horrible life
Anonymous25: 11, I'm sorry if I misread your comment.
Idk, some people just might be more attached to the character and therefore feel worse for him than they would a random loli.
But of course that's in the context of people not liking it, and if they do, that might just be almost the same reason. They might like it because they're attached to the character, and therefore have more to go off of on the follow-ups they can think of and his reactions.
Different people are into different things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anonymous27: top ten reasons why this is not ok
1. he's a kid
2. he's a kid
3. he's a kid
4. he's a kid
5. he's a kid
6. he's a kid
7. he's a kid
8. he's a kid
9. he's a kid
10. he's a kid
UnderlustFan: ok i just want to say to everyone saying things like "iF YoU dOn'T LiKe iT wHy ArE yOu HeRe??", just stop. Lancer's a child, for christ's sake. Yes, we're aware these characters aren't real, but some of us might find this upsetting because we actually care about them, ya fuckwits.
Anonymous41: @UnderlustFan: Why do you care about something that can’t feel or do anything in the real world? And you didn’t answer WHY YOU ARE HERE!? like anyone with a brain would say don’t like it,then don’t search for it and I don’t like it either but I don’t complain about it,hell i am just here for the comments
Anonymous44: @Anonymous: Tell that to everyone in this comment chain.
@UnderlustFan: "but some of us might find this upsetting because we actually care about them, ya fuckwits."
I care if its a real child, if not then go fuck yourself. Nobody has the right to force which fiction you fap to, im not turning into pedophile by just fapping to lolis, this isn't work and it didn't happened. It's just you, closed-minded indivitual who always whine about almost everything else.
Anonymous47: Goddamn this whole comment section is a war zone. I know no one asked but this is my two cents personally I don't like it but it's a fictional child they're fine cuz they ain't real if you don't like it just leave, there is more important stuff to worry about like idk actual kids going through this stuff
- Reply
These characters are fictional. I personally don't find the pic hot or attractive in any way, but I don't give a fuck about it.
Rule34 is unstoppable and there will be porn with Lancer anyway. You may find it disgusting, of coursw, but instead of being the comment section warrior just go and find some nice porn for yourself.
- Reply
- Reply
Idk, some people just might be more attached to the character and therefore feel worse for him than they would a random loli.
But of course that's in the context of people not liking it, and if they do, that might just be almost the same reason. They might like it because they're attached to the character, and therefore have more to go off of on the follow-ups they can think of and his reactions.
Different people are into different things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(I'm sorry if I sound smart-assy lol)
1. he's a kid
2. he's a kid
3. he's a kid
4. he's a kid
5. he's a kid
6. he's a kid
7. he's a kid
8. he's a kid
9. he's a kid
10. he's a kid
11. Lesser dad saw it... And it seems both are at the verge of crying
Spade is cancelled roulxs you're lancers dad now
sorry i just
i need a minute
@UnderlustFan: "but some of us might find this upsetting because we actually care about them, ya fuckwits."
I care if its a real child, if not then go fuck yourself. Nobody has the right to force which fiction you fap to, im not turning into pedophile by just fapping to lolis, this isn't work and it didn't happened. It's just you, closed-minded indivitual who always whine about almost everything else.