Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Indeed, we need more gay shit and less homophobic asshats spewing their hate. About 90% of the material on this site remains hetero stuff anyways so the straights have nothing to complain about.
Anonymous5(2): @zaraka: Well those faggots should use GAY pornsites, and let us NORMAL people enjoy porn without having to see guys getting ass fucked, not homophobic, if people choose to be gay that's their choice, just keep it the fuck away from straight people who don't wanna see that shit.
Anonymous8(2): @samuraiidiot: whats hypocritical about liking hentai but being straight? I enjoy seeing Zelda hentai, but have to put up with gay link shit showing up, i'm not being a hypocrite, I just don't wanna see gay stuff, because i'm not fucking gay....
Anonymous9(2): @Anonymous: I agree, it's all fine for them to be gay and cry that the world is against them, but as soon as a someone says they don't wanna see gay shit, they are "homophobic" and a "bully", it's pathetic....
Anonymous10(2): @Anonymous: So being straight isn't normal? OK flawless logic there mate, you do know that breeding is achieved by a male and female having sex right? THAT'S normal, theres nothing normal about some guy getting bummed by another guy, but yeah go ahead and keep fapping to it, you perfectly normal person...
Anonymous11: Lmao just go look up Zelda and fap, jesus. Rule 34: if it exists there's porn of it. like it or not, gay anal exists. Better get over it quick, princess, 'cause it's not going anywhere.
Kurachii: .... i'm looking at newest comments, no idea i'd see this
but uhm, can i say i don't like anal, especially not gay guy porn, without being the overused word "homophobe"?
either way, i don't like it, whether you hate me for it or not, don't care, cya
Anonymous12: Everyone has different preferences, that's cool. I just wanna know, what are you all doing here on this video? Don't like, don't look.
I dislike furry stuff, so I don't look, and don't pester the furries. Simple lol.
Eyecy: @Anonymous: It sounds simple enough, but among us who appreciate cartoon porn, there's bound to be people with the IQ of a peanut. I cannot for the life of me understand why these closetted faggots come here to rant about gay porn. If you don't think it's natural, it's been a part of human history forever and in fact is part of some animal species. It's like purposely eating something that makes you vomit, why do it? are you an idiot?
Anonymous13: Whether you're into this or not, you can't deny it's good work. Also, even though it's been said a million times before in this kind of situation an old edict comes to mind: Don't like? Don't look!
samuraiidiot: Fapping to cartoons isn't any more normal or capable of procreation than gay sex! and why the fuck did you click on it you retarded hypocrite?
MsBaru: rule 34 means there is porn of EVERYTHING. and everything als contains your so called "gay shit". stop complaining about gay stuff on page that contains airplanes fucking buildings and firetrucks with dogs. don't like it -> don't open it
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but uhm, can i say i don't like anal, especially not gay guy porn, without being the overused word "homophobe"?
either way, i don't like it, whether you hate me for it or not, don't care, cya
I dislike furry stuff, so I don't look, and don't pester the furries. Simple lol.
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