NONFAKES: Guys a couple of requests from me:
1. do not post stories, fanfiction, long fantasies, etc in the comment section please
2. do not post paragraph length comments please
you can post regular comments and requests of course those are welcome
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: You don't have to look at them, or comment on them for that matter. But it's nice that you took the time to comment on a post you don't like. Anyways, keep up the good work NON.
Anonymous7: Two things:
- Love your work but I think you should do more actual celebrities, as opposed to YouTubers
- I think you should add sound in these videos, more like your old fakes.
Thanks and love your work!
Anonymous18: love your work (cutiepie elyse mostly) non but could u spice the audio ones up, an almost infinite supply of elyse talking about butts n dick. also dont let trolls/assholes make you change how you feel towards ur art
Anonymous25: Things got real naughty when the camera got turned off at Cow Chop. With the guys taking out their big sexual frustrations on Elyse. Making her accept getting depravedly fucked. While getting called a cheating nasty bitch & filthy obedient whore. Getting her extremely tight wet cunt pounded real good & hard, for several hours. Feeling the guys explode real deep inside of her, without asking for permission. Unhesitatingly filling up her amazing pussy with their dirty manly juices & warm thick cum. Intensely breeding Elyse’s lovely fertile womb, with utmost stamina & power. Finally getting her knocked up & pregnant with her first child. Loving the guys for not letting anything stop them, from making her first highly desirable pregnancy come true. Sinfully acting upon & giving into their wild forbidden desires for her. Not doing anything immoral, by putting a first baby, real deep inside of her. Without letting her refuse or say no. Making her decision to not having any kids, into something else. Instead needing to repeatedly get pregnant. Devotedly giving birth to, as many children possible. Passionately giving the huge numbers of guys, that wants to powerfully breed & get her pregnant, a chance to. Badly craving their vastly strong potent seed, real deep inside of her wonderful tight wet cunt & perfect lovely fertile womb. With devoted loyal breeding-machine & pregnancy-factory Elyse deeply cherishing every new child. With every single one, being the most wonderful gift, she’s ever gotten. Feeling so utterly amazing & good to constantly get pregnant. With Elyse now instead, hoping she could get knocked up once more, while already being so.
Anonymous27: @Anonymous: Dude, you need to fuck off. Needing to realize that Elyse is a naughty bitch & filthy whore. Getting the idea of her being innocent & timid, out of your head. Loving to cheat on James, on a daily basis. By willingly letting his close friends wildly bang her. Knowing how badly they all want to. Needing to fill up Elyse’s amazing tight wet cunt, with their big loads. Knowing it’s vastly immoral & utterly wrong. But doing it anyway. Because it feels so extremely good & amazing. With Elyse deeply enjoying how wildly turned on & perverted, she’s making guys to become.
Anonymous29(28): like for real, keep making these deepfakes, cool, but when you take the time to write creepy fan-fiction about real people you're crossing a damn line.
Anonymous30: @Anonymous: Come on! What’s the deal with this double morale? Saying that fan-fiction involving some sexual fantasises about Elyse being worse than making & posting deepfakes of her? With the latter obviously being way more “creepy” and “entering” Elyse personal space. Most likely being aware of guys & fans having erotic dreams & naughty thoughts about her. Actually being okay with it. Not “hurting” anyone. But with the deepfakes of her, actually “invading” her privacy. All portraying her naked & put in a situation of getting fucked, in several different ways & scenarios. Turning “innocent” fan-fiction into something visual. So just back off. Being pretty sure Elyse would rather have the deepfakes of her removed, than the fan-fiction.
Anonymous33: @Anonymous: Fanfic? This is real. With dumb naive bitch Elyse getting disgracefully used like a filthy obedient cum-loving whore, on a daily basis. Not being able to stop vile horny perverts from immorally fucking her. Knowing they would go ahead & brutally rape her, otherwise. Therefore letting Adam, Lawrence & other nasty disgusting guys, deeply creampie her. All getting to powerfully breed her lovely warm delicious mouth, amazing tight wet pussy & wonderful thick round ass. With Elyse’s marvellous highly fertile womb, being their favorite. Where her first vastly desirable pregnancy, resulted in her giving birth to & becoming the mother of twenty children, at once. With the father being Lawrence. Where Adam then managed to knock up Elyse, with fifteen of his babies. As her greatly wanted second pregnancy. Already having planned for many more. With Elyse’s former boss at GameTrailers, happily married Brandon Jones, being the next one to sinfully breed her with his kids. Deserving to knock her up, right after he’s beloved wife Amanda, has provided him with his adored first-born son Milo. Not seeing anything wrong or inappropriate with it. As she’s deeply in love with Elyse, as well. Rightfully deserving both her & Amanda. As two incredibly beautiful women. Where a stupid foolish James, just has to watch, as everything happens. Not being man enough, to make it stop. With other men therefore, frequently getting Elyse pregnant with their children, instead of him. Constantly receiving the most wonderful experience & big honor, that she has to offer. Never getting what he’s always wanted from her.
Anonymous35: @Anonymous: Hey! Calm down. Being allowed to write anything I want. Without needing you to judge me. As you’re the one with a problem, not me. Having every right to use this as an outlet, for calling Elyse a filthy whore. Believing that she really is one. Cheating on James, on a daily basis. Letting Adam, Bruce, Lawrence & other horny perverts wildly fuck & deeply creampie her. In order to get rid of the sexual frustration & tension at the Funhaus office. With Elyse actually understanding why they can’t neither behave nor control themselves around her. Instead actually being flattered by their strong wild desires for her. Which reaches a real high, overwhelming level, whenever Elyse’s wear some tight sexy pants or a slutty revealing dress. But especially when she’s dressed up in very short intimate skirts, where it’s easy to see her naughty panties underneath. Knowing that’s something horny perverts Adam, Bruce, Lawrence & other guys deeply enjoys. As they have stolen Elyse’s panties, on several occasions. Making it easier for anyone to access her amazing tight wet pussy. In their goal of making her cheat on their buddy James. Not deserving Elyse, even if he’s a great friend. Therefore trying to fill her up, with their dirty warm thick cum, as often they can. Because Elyse in not only an incredibly beautiful & sexy woman. Her pussy is also divine.
Anonymous37(36): @Anonymous: and please don't slander the good name of sperglords like me. you don't see me doing this shit, so don't judge us like that. this fuck has some kind of dissociative disorder.
Anonymous39: @Anonymous: Thanks for ruining this for us. NON probably stopped posting cuz of your sick shit. He told you not to post this shit. Why couldn't you do that? Are you really that fucked up that you just could not post your stalker murder stories? I really hope you get get arrested and ass raped in jail you sick stalker piece of shit.
Anonymous42(4): hey non are you gonna make any more videos of rooster teeth girls? maybe u can post them on a different site. one that people cant comment on. id love to see more elyse.
doggo4589: Please, what is the source? Why does no one give credit to the rightful owners or the original source from where they got their stuff from??....
Anonymous46: @NONFAKES: what happened to your fakes of famous celebs like Ridley or Clarke? It's like they were bleached completely from the internet by Disney or something
1. do not post stories, fanfiction, long fantasies, etc in the comment section please
2. do not post paragraph length comments please
you can post regular comments and requests of course those are welcome
- Love your work but I think you should do more actual celebrities, as opposed to YouTubers
- I think you should add sound in these videos, more like your old fakes.
Thanks and love your work!