quwykxz: Just because a character has white hair doesn't mean it's automatically Winter, especially since this character looks nothing like her except that she's a female with white hair.
quwykxz: @The_Triarch: Don't care, doesn't look like Winter, so not Winter.
If I draw a basic stick figure and say it's (Insert whatever character you wish here), that doesn't make it automatically a fact; A drawing MUST look like the character you say it is, or otherwise it's absolutely NOT that character.
Anonymous2: @quwykxz: It kinda does....If the artist draws something and describes it as such, then it's fact. Just cause they don't look exactly the way you want doesn't matter. Artists are allowed to change things if they want to
Anonymous4: Yo @The_Triarch: Can you PLEASE post 2 immages from http://boards.4chan.org/aco/thread/2838382#2855811
Look for requests made by an EXTREMELY desperate anon.
Have a nice day ;)
- Reply
If I draw a basic stick figure and say it's (Insert whatever character you wish here), that doesn't make it automatically a fact; A drawing MUST look like the character you say it is, or otherwise it's absolutely NOT that character.
- Reply
Look for requests made by an EXTREMELY desperate anon.
Have a nice day ;)