Anonymous2: Uhhh, I don’t think we need Emma or Alice porn. I hope we get more Kara/Luther, Markus/North, and Tracis porn. You know, more straight porn and lesbian porn. More monster, zoophilia, and tentacle porn
zakdp123: @Anonymous: @SGoPYF: Like, if fictional loli porn is your thing, fine by me, no one suffers because of that, but something like this in real life can ruin lives
Noka: As someone who likes lolicon, you're fucking weird, dude. You want to know the difference between being gay and being a pedophile? If you like another person of the same gender, that's okay, because presumably they're a consenting adult, the same as you. A child does NOT understand what sex is or the repercussions of it, and their bodies aren't built for it. Fictional stuff is fine, obviously, but being attracted to real kids is creepy as hell. Contrary to what you say, sex with a kid absolutely does fuck up their life and development.
Noka: @SGoPYF: God you're retarded. I enjoy video games with violence in them; does that mean I'm about to go out and slaughter a bunch of people? No, you fucking lunatic. The same thing applies to the images I like. You're mentally damaged because you can't distinguish between reality and fiction.
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: Call the police for what? To get a defamation report? God dammit if you are stupid. Let the man be, you can't punish people because of their nature especially if they do not harm no one. Chill out, and care your own business. Worthless devolved savage.
Anonymous10: hes defending actual pedophilia while trying to shield himself by comparing drawings to actual living children (you know the ones with a physical existence and a brain) that sounds pretty fucked up to me
Anonymous11(9): @Anonymous: You still don't understand. What's fucked up TO YOU, is not important. Put this bias confirmation shit away and understand that you cannot control or censure his mind. As long as he doesn't do hate speech or shit like that, he is free to say what he wants, as long as you do the same. You don't like it? Fine, he does. That's what freedom is about. Jesus Christ is a fucking comment session under an image on the damn Rule 34. Chill out, man.
Anonymous13: @Anonymous: don't you know? if you don't accept that in africa it's ok to burn "witches" alive then that just makes you a close-minded asshole and don't respect their point of view _the same can be said here
Anonymous18: @SGoPYF: You don't seem to understand that kids' brains aren't developed fully to know what they are doing, and you would be ruining their lives for your sexual pleasure. This kind of stuff is okay since no one's actually being abused, but doing this shit in real life is just fucking wrong. Why do you think it's called child sexual abuse? Cause they aren't fully aware of what they're actually doing.
Guess it's a good thing Conner put one between his eyes eh?
And less of the gay men shit
Also, you need professional help
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