Anonymous4: @Anonymous: now i know you were joking and that its based on that one alvin porno image, but im actually gonna brake this down and find out who is getting the best dick.
1. hermes: now hermes eyes rolled slightly back invoking a sort of ahegao.
2. jolyne: jolyne is definatly enjoying the experience but shes not visualy showing a smuch as hermes is.
3. foo fighters: now F.F's exspresion indicates a more "first time" expression of pleasure, which corolates well with her canon charecter.
in conclusion, i have to say that hermes is having the best experience, next up I'd say was F.F but its hard to tell due to it probably being her first time having sex, and finally jolyne who undoubtedly is enjoying the experience but just isn't visually showing as much of that enjoyment as the others are.
1. hermes: now hermes eyes rolled slightly back invoking a sort of ahegao.
2. jolyne: jolyne is definatly enjoying the experience but shes not visualy showing a smuch as hermes is.
3. foo fighters: now F.F's exspresion indicates a more "first time" expression of pleasure, which corolates well with her canon charecter.
in conclusion, i have to say that hermes is having the best experience, next up I'd say was F.F but its hard to tell due to it probably being her first time having sex, and finally jolyne who undoubtedly is enjoying the experience but just isn't visually showing as much of that enjoyment as the others are.
Thank you coming to my TED talk.