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Anonymous1: You know a lot of people argue that Marco belongs with Jackie and other people argue that Marco belongs with Star but if you remove Marco from the equation all together it pretty much solves the problem. And Janna can watch.
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Anonymous2: I call it a luck day for Star....
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Anonymous3: Jackie Have a Girlfriend named Chloe
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Tell that to Daron Nefcy. She wanted Marco in the project in the first place. Marco is allegedly based on a real life boyfriend of Daron's named Bobby. She also wanted a bi/gay angle around the series, so that explains the existence of Chloe. That said, "Cleaved" still remains a terrible conclusion to a great series because Disney got too impatient and wanted to end the series abruptly without warning. They did the same thing to "Wander Over Yonder." It's all about the $$$$$$$ to Disney executives.