Anonymous3: Repeating the same thing over and over again isn't going to change someone's mind about something you keep posting the same thing on these photos that you know they obviously don't like just to get attention in to piss other people off like seriously get a life I would understand if you just would have said you dont support the shio but your posting this on every single post that you can you obviously care so much about what other people like and you like the photo so much that you go all the way to post on every single picture that you see of it if you don't like it then why the hell are you looking at all those photos of it
Anonymous4(3): If you dont support incest good for you but for you to put the put people down who do actually support it is actually dumb and idiotic so if you actually didn't support this and then you care about it why the hell would you go and post the same thing and have an argument you will all these people over and over again on like what 9 different post scrolling down you even admitted to searching this up and wanted to see pictures of it and you said you weren't expecting what we were seeingg yet you keep going on every single picture of what you were expecting and commenting about it so you know you hate it if you hated it so much then why do you just click off of instead of making this huge dramatic scene
Anonymous13: This is incest,but it honestly doesn't fucking madder,you are all antis telling people to kill themselves,keep in mind these people most likely know that incest is wrong,as a fucking victim of incest(One of the times it was also pedophilia but thats now what this conversation is about)this art is fine,you made the choice to click on this.
Anonymous18: y’all need to stfu fr ; like it’s a damn photo on a hentai website , what do you expect? sal and larry are NOT blood related and it is legal to date them. and anon, you need to shut the hell up talking about telling people to die. like, this is PUBLIC. if you don’t like it, why are you still here? mfs be getting on my nerves smh.
Stop just stop
But honestly would you all shut the fuck up and just get your rocks off. We came here for smut.
And then whine about it.
Yet, they clicked on it to begin with.