Anonymous1: Ive been to this kind of country and if you can get a preteen girl this young alone to somewhere secluded enough its literally as easy as just pulling their clothes right off their fuckable little bodies and laying them down and sticking your cock right between their legs. they don't even struggle or squeal (except when orgasming or getting a load all over their faces) they pretty much just let you have all the sex you want with them.
Anonymous7: I feel Kaa should definitely be a part of this on some point. Maybe Ranjan too. Shame we don't have a Shanti naked animatic to go with the Kaa/Mowgli one on this site.
Anonymous9: @SGoPYF: you and Anon1 are really creepy. I usually dont have problem with ppl beating their meat with cartoons but you are talking about real people here. Is not just subjective, little kids dont know what they are doing and you shouldn't force them to have sex with you.
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: Oh trust me kids very much like this stuff if you let them be in control of the sex play most Pedo’s don’t want to force children that is a common misconception
Anonymous20: Here we go again, a bunch of whiny, butthurt libtards arguing over a CARTOON pic. You whiny douchebags just have to spoil everybodys good time, just cause you don't like it. Well, suck it up buttercup: porn/hentai is not going to stop, just cause you're offended. For one, it's a cartoon, its not REAL. And second, if you hate porn so much, why even fucking come to this site?!! Please, leave, and also, rip your dicks off, since you obviously can't tell the difference between legal, non-harmful CARTOON porn, and illegal, pedo torture porn.
Anonymous21: Seeing Shanti's erotic smile and as she presses her vagina it is seen that she is dominating the situation. Poor Mowgli, she wanted to be the alpha male and now she is the alpha female.
Anonymous25: @Anonymous: Well how do you know he's NOT 13? Nothing but nothing says that a 13 year old CAN'T look at porn, or go to a hentai site. Sure, their parents might not approve, but kids will be kids. Obviously tho people like you have to troll and hate,cause it's so easy and mainstream these days to bash people younger than yourself, and try to lower their (probably) already low self-esteem, to make up for YOU not having any.
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But liking them sexually is the creepy part
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Are we talking about the Cartoon porn world or real world.
in grade 10 Drama at Peacock and been working on
a saga about him
ever since.