Anonymous5(1): @LapisBob I can express myself freely by saying that it is unpleasant to see men muscular bathing together with 3 legs is simply disgusting
Yes, the drawing and everything is perfect but that talent wasted on doing gay sexYes, the drawing and everything is perfect but Alento wasted in doing gay porn
Boobot: @Anonymous: So you find it unpleasant, what a shame, move on -q
And wow judging people's talent usage because they're drawing gay porn, on Rule 34... do you realize the motto of this place don't you honey?
HentaiLand: Why is this a morality thing? it's pixels, even if it was straight porn you can't have children with it or have it consent It's Pixels.
I'm not Gay and I look at gay porn, Women look at gay and lesbian porn all the time
so why are we fighting here? And many men have an obsession of 2 girls with dildo straps in there porn. What planet do you speak from
Anonymous9: @anons1,4, and 5 you do realise you had to purposely look this up right and it isn't wasted talent because of it being gay porn because people like it. Last but not least homosexuality is a genetic trait not a mental disorder if you honestly believe that it is you might be the one with a mental disorder
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I apologize for my homunculus (Anonymous 1), he had sudden flashbacks of vietnam
Yes, the drawing and everything is perfect but that talent wasted on doing gay sexYes, the drawing and everything is perfect but Alento wasted in doing gay porn
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And wow judging people's talent usage because they're drawing gay porn, on Rule 34... do you realize the motto of this place don't you honey?
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I'm not Gay and I look at gay porn, Women look at gay and lesbian porn all the time
so why are we fighting here? And many men have an obsession of 2 girls with dildo straps in there porn. What planet do you speak from