Anonymous2: Why does everyone want to duck gardivoir I get she's like the guardian big sister type but like she's a Porkyman .
Your supposed to be a parent that raised your child from stage 1 to stage 3 being proud of your Porkyman. Not fucking it
Anonymous3: It's rule34 and the internet have a lot of.
unique people. At least the Gardevoir (or any Porkyman for that matter) has more sense than someone who would smash literally a toaster or some car keys... I wouldn't ask questions at this point.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: The only way they would be considered your child, is if you hatched them, and raised them since as an egg onward. It doesn't really count if you caught them from the wild as stage 1. It's more of a pet with owner kind of thing, than it is a parent.
Still, like anon3 said, people have more fucked up shit that they get into, than this.
Your supposed to be a parent that raised your child from stage 1 to stage 3 being proud of your Porkyman. Not fucking it
unique people. At least the Gardevoir (or any Porkyman for that matter) has more sense than someone who would smash literally a toaster or some car keys... I wouldn't ask questions at this point.
Still, like anon3 said, people have more fucked up shit that they get into, than this.