Anonymous9: "In short, you guys are assholes and driving too many artists away. Tone it down a notch." -- Paheal MGMT
Chill, Anon8. You may not have been messing with the artist themselves, but I think this still constitutes being an asshole. If you can't act like an adult, grab your little blocks and go practice your alphabet somewhere else.
OnRule34TheBeginningOfDegeneracy: @Hanssen69: The artist is Aki Kyouma. I found the artist from this link: [From Japan] Seiekinaki Jukujuku Kaikaku III (Shin Seiki Evangelion / Neon Genesis Evangelion) (C74)
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Chill, Anon8. You may not have been messing with the artist themselves, but I think this still constitutes being an asshole. If you can't act like an adult, grab your little blocks and go practice your alphabet somewhere else.
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