Anonymous1: Dubey go for away run with stev but stev fuck buddy butt bcuz truip boum. Ful he ass with cum to make babe w/doibuy. Hard sork to pay for it. #Facfs 👁👄👁
Anonymous3: @Chupacabra555: Maybe BOTH are having a dream/nightmare, or, something similar. I'd like to see a whole story, based on this concept, maybe even having a Freddy Krueger type of character invading their dreams, as was done on an episode of the Simpsons. I can even see these two, staying awake to thwart Freddy, and, eventually, rekindling their relationship. Whaddayathink?!?
Anonymous4: - Steve): "Just pretend we are playing bank with you as a teller. And me a customer making a deposit." (Last panel)"And always remember; the customer always cums first!"
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