Kurachii: calling trump nazi is far below me.... haters of trump are way more agressive and extremists than his fans/folowers
making fun of politicians can be fgunny, but straight calling them nazi or such, is going way too far
count the amount of people who call trump a nazi, and then who call hillary a nazi, huge difference
i'm no fan of trump (or all the others who did the same things, just less clown-like), but this is low, really low
Anonymous3: @Kurachii: Tilt my hat to you sir. I hate Trump, I do but no way is he a Nazi. And I hate Nazi's too, if it wasn't for the Nazi's i'd still be living in Latvia. But I digress, I hate Trump I do, but has he killed 6 million Jews? no! Has he sent people to death camps and make them work under forced labour? No! So like you said Kurachii there is a HUGE difference! By the way I call Hillary Killary. I'm an Mikhail Bukanin Anarchist myself. P.S. The guy who did this is an uneducated ignorant moron!
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making fun of politicians can be fgunny, but straight calling them nazi or such, is going way too far
count the amount of people who call trump a nazi, and then who call hillary a nazi, huge difference
i'm no fan of trump (or all the others who did the same things, just less clown-like), but this is low, really low
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