TheFirstOfUs: this is an animation i bought a few months from the dark mangaka. he finished it today. he worked really hard on this. im very proud how it came out. its amazing. you should check out his patron and twitter and pixiv. He does really amazing work as you can see.
zigmas: @Anonymous: Sankaku has much better tagging, while Paheal has much better commenting.
It's also funny and somewhat weird that I often see pictures NOT being shared between the two sites.
And I don't mean non-porn pictures that are kinda forbidden here but not there, I mean going as far as having pics from the same author being posted partially here and partially there.
Weird, indeed.
It's also funny and somewhat weird that I often see pictures NOT being shared between the two sites.
And I don't mean non-porn pictures that are kinda forbidden here but not there, I mean going as far as having pics from the same author being posted partially here and partially there.
Weird, indeed.
its a pic.
its an extra thing i bought cus of the animation.
and they should have there wings in it he has not showed me a preview but he knows what I want
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