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UploaderJuni221, avatar
TagsAeolus, Coal_Black_and_de_Sebben_Dwarfs, Sebben_Dwarfs, So_White, edit
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Info1411x1204 // 942KB // png
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Servalion: I now have this strange urge to look up other banned cartoons for material potential. WWII era had loads of em.
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narsaku: @kuroman: You should stop worrying about what some people think and just enjoy some good porn bud
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narsaku: @kuroman: After seeing your reply I looked at your comment history so I don't fully blame you for being thoughtless, that person you were talking to is very ill, but still, you don't know me and shouldn't blindly lash out at strangers over the behavior of others. If you had looked at my upload history you'd know what you just said about me wasn't true.

In the end human beings aren't perfect, the world is facing growing suicide rates, increasing depression, frustration and nobody cares. Trust is dead, people are afraid, entitled and everyone hates what they don't understand. Modern SJW media and global communications aren't helping things either as they prey on the angst of the masses which makes people angry for their own ends, hence why skin color edits are making certain people so frustrated lately.

Trust me, things are going to get much worse. You'll do yourself good by learning detachment. Once you do, you won't take what people think/say to heart anymore, you'll have discovered the true nature of offense, be in control of your emotions and you'll be much happier. >:D
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @kuroman: You mad, faggot? Mad that there's no black dick to jerk to?
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Sans_the_bonemaster: @kuroman: I get you're mad and all but cracker is a racial slur and it would be like me calling you the N word for a porn edit, I get your pissed and all but no need to be racist
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Sans_the_bonemaster: Look at his comment history. He has a black dick fetish and throws a bitch fit if a picture doesn't have any.
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Anonymous1: @Sans_the_bonemaster ...cracker isn't actually a racial slur. you know that right?
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @kuroman: You sound like a faggot lol
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @kuroman: Says the cock-hungry faggot
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Jackofhearts69: @Anonymous: Oh? Since when?
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Anonymous2: To whoever did this edit, could you also make an alternate version of this one:
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Anonymous3: for the faggot anons--who like to look a hard penises. No naked tits here FEH.
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Anonymous4: C'mon let's just enjoy his work and say thanks Aeolus. Please do more Coal Black. Maybe a solo pussy rubbing gif. where she squirts a long load.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: ah okay, it's just confusing since it's used exclusively to refer to white people in a derogatory manner. so it looks, walks, and quacks like a duck but it isn't a duck

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