Anonymous4: It's from the manga when Ryoga uses a fishing rod which is suppose to make the person who is hooked with it fall in love with the user and it actually works. Only Ryoga accidentally hooks Ranma and that mark forms above her breast as a sign of her being hooked by it. The more you know.
Anonymous7: No prob BioBlade. As I said, Hentai-Sweetie, it's from the manga, but I can't remember which volume or chapter. It was near the middle though, probably the late teens or early 20s in the Viz version tankobans. Of course, nothing more than this happens in the manga.
Gackt: @Mayamelissa: I remember this, yeah I tried looking to see if there was anymore to this but unfortunately it was the only drawing. I also asked the artist if he was going to follow up on the image no such luck.
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P.S: I love the art form in this
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