BoomerBOmb: The BG is the same as whats on her shirt, and according to Heather on an episode of TDA, they're kumkwats. Make your own jokes about KUMkwats.
Anonymous12: she had them APPLE bottom jeans and the
boots with the fur (the FUR!)
the whole club was looking at her!
She hit the floor! She hit the floor!
Shawty got low,low,low,low,low,low,low
Also, I do believe these are apples, for her 'apple-licious booty', to quote her own words.
had to be said.
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None the less, this is an awesome pic!
boots with the fur (the FUR!)
the whole club was looking at her!
She hit the floor! She hit the floor!
Shawty got low,low,low,low,low,low,low
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