tyciol: the girl in the 3rd screenshot of https://www.kika.de/hexe-lilli/sendungen/sendung14884.html (ep 12. Lilli im Regenwald) comes pretty close (green eyes, black hair) but I don't think it's her because freckles instead of markings.
I'll keep looking. Very hard to do searches on this in English, searching Karikatur (German word for cartoon) plus Hexe Lilli tends to do better. Main problem being the show is more often than not just called 'Lilly' instead of 'Lilly the Witch' in English.
tyciol: HUH... I had an alternate theory going here for a second https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lilli/images/3/3d/45-4.jpg
Except for
1) hair is black instead of orange
2) no star earrings
3) no feather in hair
It actually looks a LOT like her in the 45th episode "Lilli und der Indianerjunge" :
1) similar yellow headband
2) cheek freckles
3) green eyes
4) hairstyle (2 antennae, shoulder-length, part in front of ears)
I decided to make an edit of MM's work substituting her hair color and pasting on the earrings and feather to show what I mean:
tyciol: NM figured it out, this is Lilly's disguise in episode 41 (Pharaoh's Curse)
see 4th image at https://www.kika.de/hexe-lilli/sendungen/sendung78934.html
the caption says it's Lilly and Tut with the amulethandler.
Exact same headband, hair color, and it seems she removed her earring for this disguise.
I'll have to go watch it to see if she goes by a different name as an alias.
traffik: @tyciol: "I'll have to go watch it to see if she goes by a different name as an alias."
For fuck's sake, no. You overtag things enough as it is. You've got this tagged with "Lilli_und_der_Fluch_des_Pharao" even though you know damn well that paheal does not tag titles in multiple languages.
- Reply
I'll keep looking. Very hard to do searches on this in English, searching Karikatur (German word for cartoon) plus Hexe Lilli tends to do better. Main problem being the show is more often than not just called 'Lilly' instead of 'Lilly the Witch' in English.
- Reply
Except for
1) hair is black instead of orange
2) no star earrings
3) no feather in hair
It actually looks a LOT like her in the 45th episode "Lilli und der Indianerjunge" :
1) similar yellow headband
2) cheek freckles
3) green eyes
4) hairstyle (2 antennae, shoulder-length, part in front of ears)
I decided to make an edit of MM's work substituting her hair color and pasting on the earrings and feather to show what I mean:
- Reply
see 4th image at https://www.kika.de/hexe-lilli/sendungen/sendung78934.html
the caption says it's Lilly and Tut with the amulethandler.
Exact same headband, hair color, and it seems she removed her earring for this disguise.
I'll have to go watch it to see if she goes by a different name as an alias.
For fuck's sake, no. You overtag things enough as it is. You've got this tagged with "Lilli_und_der_Fluch_des_Pharao" even though you know damn well that paheal does not tag titles in multiple languages.