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TagsFlippy, Happy_Tree_Friends, Hentai_Boy, Petunia
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Info810x1143 // 235KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Win
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Anonymous2: I fucking love this show.
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Anonymous3: That is SO Flippy's style.
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Anonymous4: Flippy is my favorite character.
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Anonymous5: the slightest thing does set him off
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Fianl_Boss: I could see this happening.
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Anonymous6: I could too. It's in that picture. You know, the one up there? The one we are commenting on?
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Anonymous7: I have an ID tag that staff & students wear at where I work. I also have a western string tie which I inherited from my father. I hang them both on the doorknob to the garage when they're not in use. Sometimes they get tangled. In THIS case, Flippy wildly over-reacted when this happened. Go figure ...
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Anonymous8: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NNOOOO NOT HTF !!!! AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! AHHH AAAAHHHHHH ......................You bastards hav raped my favorite impure NONsexual internet cartoon aaahhhhhhhhh im sure rhodes would be disgusted to see people fap to his creation!!!!still aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Anonymous9: i'm sure that there are plenty of people that flap to the original either in stills or it's entirety. some people like blood and gore. (shivers) not my thing but i know that they are out there.
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hentaiboy2: Anon 9 - I think this is probably the closest to gore I'll ever get. Don't understand that fetish much, to be honest.

Anon 8 - Welcome to Rule 34. Enjoy your rape.
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Franky_Whiskey: Anon8 - have to be a n00b on teh interbutts not to see rule 34 coming on a show that has cute,female and furry characters. That's like bait for /34/ artists XD

Also,teh intrabutts has already enough hentai.Here at Rule34...we come for the real,rare stuff ;D
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Anonymous10: for the news fans of this show. flippy = is a ex- soldier of vietnam, a minimus apparience with the war he exploud in a squirrel bloody by the war. in it ocasion the conection of the two necklaces is a litle extrangulation in flappy. good bye petunia^^
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hentaiboy2: ^I... uh...

Wow. What?
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DuckPenisExpert: Anon10, see me after class. <_<
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hentaiboy2: Thanks, DPE... That boy ain't right.
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Anonymous11: Sex and mindless violence - Could there be anything better?
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hentaiboy2: ^Throw in a nice, juicy steak, and I think you've just described heaven.
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Anonymous12: Sex, violence, and cute fuzzy animals. The perfect combination.
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Anonymous13: I agree with anon12
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Anonymous14: DO A BARREL ROLL, FLIPPY!!!
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hentaiboy2: *Flippy presses Z or R twice... nothing happens. Flippy shrugs and continues to choke Petunia.*
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Anonymous15: this is pure madness
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hentaiboy2: No, this is pure Spar...

No. I just can't do it. It's too lame and overdone.
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Anonymous16: wow i didnt think fliqpy would turn down sex.
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hentaiboy2: Why, you don't think he prefers violence?
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Anonymous17: So when he gets pissed off he thinks everybody is a Vietnam person and kills them. Nice
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Anonymous18: Eww
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Anonymous19: Or... Fliqpy could kill her with sex. I'm not sure how it would happen, but we're talking about Fliqpy here.
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hentaiboy2: @Anonymous: You know you're spelling Flippy's name wro-... Ohhh. I see what you did there. Clever.
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Anonymous20: Everyone in this thread of the picture. Has aids now. WOOT WOOT
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hentaiboy2: @Anonymous: Aww, sweet! Now I won't have to worry about losing my hearing!

...You were talking about hearing aids, right?
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Probably
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Anonymous22: Lol
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Anonymous23: user image
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Anonymous24: what the fuck is this
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Anonymous25: she didn't know there was a roblox exploiter i feel the same
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Better_Promise524: Flippy loves giggles or flaky not petunia she loves Handy
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Anonymous26: I hate it when I’m having sex and my partner fucking kills me
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Anonymous27: The first htf porn ever yes
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Anonymous28: I want Flippy to do this to me lol

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