Anonymous3(1): good for you if it puts food on the table.. this does not change the fact that it is terribly wrong. Far be it from me to judge the tastes of others, God forbid we are all here for what we like, but it remains what it is… and i prefer in the past when it was a rarely post.
darkmatter: @Anonymous: Even though it is commendable for you to take a moral stance, you have to remember that this is still a drawing, and these characters don't exist ( and several are voiced by an 80 year old woman ).
You can draw the most horrible, fucked up, perverted thing imaginable and It wouldn't make a difference, these are still cartoon characters. It's the same argument of people who claim that violent movies or games create violence, when it's closer to the least violent era of humanity.
There is still plenty of more normal content on the site for you to see.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Its literally victimless, what's so wrong? People literally fuck animals in real life, where they can't consent by nature. ACTUAL PEDOS exist. There's far worse things to be concerned about in the pornosphere than this shit
FireMario86: @Anonymous: Can you shut your mouth hole? You came onto this site knowing what it contains, and went onto this particular pic just to complain
Anonymous7: Please Nearphotison, can you make more Vegeta&Goten porn. And maybe some future Gohan and Teen Trunks, it is such a turn on for ME. And when you're at it, some more Namek Gohan stuff.
ToriTentacleLover: @Nearphotison: You have successfully combined... heterosexuality, homosexuality, consensual incest, fellatio, an arrogant Vegeta, and a positive moral (teamwork), all into one scene. I am not currently one of your patrons, but that will change at the earliest opportunity.
Anonymous11: Hey, I came here to enjoy well-drawn porn, not have a freaking moral discussion. Near, this is good sh*t. Sorry these asswipes raise crap while clicking on your work & knowing what to expect.
Jackofhearts69: @Nearphotison: It seems to be Anonymous1's life mission to complain about posts to this site that allegedly bother him or her. They don't seem to be aware that different people have different tastes in nearly everything. I never realized it until now, but Anon1 was acting like a consummate Karen, long before Karens became a thing. Just continue what you've been doing, and ignore the haters, because haters gotta hate. That's all they seem to have in their miserable lives.
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You can draw the most horrible, fucked up, perverted thing imaginable and It wouldn't make a difference, these are still cartoon characters. It's the same argument of people who claim that violent movies or games create violence, when it's closer to the least violent era of humanity.
There is still plenty of more normal content on the site for you to see.
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*scurries away*
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