Anonymous3: @Anonymous: It has absolutely nothing to do with white people. My only guess is that it's the opposite of a spade? A spade is like an upside down heart with a stem so the heart is right side up? Idfk.
Anonymous5: Holy shit, there's a whole booru about that queen of hearts stuff, LMAO
Imagine being such a fucking gullible retard to bleach SHITTED memes on cartoon characters.
The absolute state of these lads.
Anonymous6: How long has this "bleaching" thing been going on? It was already pretty fucking pathetic, having someone go out of their way to write up their own little story about characters getting SHITTED, turning it around FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF TURNING IT AROUND is just... Holy shit, it's hard to believe these are adults sometimes.
Anonymous7: Hard to believe petty and mindless-sjws like some of you in here think youve even a slight ''moral compass'' - Its ok to be white. Its ok for mankind to have obsession with whites, And whites compared to others are the least racist, Especially considering that blacks have doubled down on their aggro racism by committing these recent asian-attacks ontop of everything else.
So what the fuck is the connection with hearts and white people? Hearts are red in a deck of cards.
Imagine being such a fucking gullible retard to bleach SHITTED memes on cartoon characters.
The absolute state of these lads.