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Anonymous1: The more he draws the more I doubt he has ever seen an actual naked woman in his life.
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Anonymous2: When, the line art?
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anonymousjizz: @Anonymous: Or maybe he's into tunnel pussies, I know they are quite handy, can keep a whole KFC bucket of chicken inside.
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Anonymous3: He's been fuckking up Jaina's face since the start of this series. She looked ALOT better in one of his older drawings: "Young Jedi Slut".
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Anonymous4: I think they look great, hes drawing the most realistic hentai ive ever seen
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Anonymous5: if it had not been rape then these 3 beauty´s would really enjoy having spend all day satisfying all those cocks and no i am not a speciesist but they are really gonna enjoy human cocks much more than Vong cock if they have to spend all day getting so thoroughly fucked that they are unable to even move and be that covet in cum i all i will say
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: I doubt you’ve ever seen a naked woman in your entire life, other than browsing porn sites like this. Hope you trade in your anime body pillow for an actual girl someday, although it’ll most likely be more of an obese tub of lard than an attractive woman.
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Anonymous7: @"@Anonymous: Then what are YOU doing here ?
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Titus: @Anonymous: That's kind of his art in general. His newer stuff is more detailed than the old stuff, but the old stuff just looked better.
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Anonymous8(1): @Titus I'd agree with that. He used to actually draw everything himself, but now he photoshops faces of the actresses onto porn scenes, traces over them, and colours it. That's why the expressions are always so weird now, he'll take their face from a freeze frame of them shouting dialogue and use that as an orgasm face because "durr hurr shes got an open mouth" also lol at anon6 getting butthurt because I criticized an artist that doesnt know he exists.
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Titus: @Anonymous: I miss his old style. Sometimes it looked derpy, sometimes the anatomy was a little wonky, but it was still appealing overall.