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UploaderMasterdragon, avatar
TagsKimiko_Tohomiko, Masterdragon, Riley_Daring, The_Replacements, Xiaolin_Showdown
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info919x463 // 34KB // png
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Anonymous1: why would we want to know who some shitty MS paint drawing was done by, in the MIDDLE OF THE EFFING PICTURE?!
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ass_fan: i wouldn't advertise that i drew this
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Masterdragon21: Oh My god Are you all kidding me One I am MasterDragon21 Aka Masterdragon what is with you Anonymous1 you got a problem with my style you don't know what I can do and think then your mind and ass fan your lacking a prob I am getting real sick and tired of F**king members that can't see what I can do plus Anonymous34 very funny you didn't realize that that's me in the same because I dropped the 21 before until I brought it back but STOP HATING ON MY WORK everyone
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Anonymous2: first, its a cut and paste job with a simple pallete swap etc. secondly, when you can't even be bothered to draw feet you're gonna get shit talked to you.
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Masterdragon21: Well if you must know I didn't need to worry about the Feet and I could take more shit talk then anybody that I can think of I always have to defend my work because Nobody would give me any credit for my work I didn't care about the paint department for what I'm great with and there is no cut and Paste work because I actually drew them get it now I'm working for fun and originality
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Anonymous3(2): there bodies are completely identical.
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Anonymous4(2): not to mention the fact that their handcuffs(?) would be crushing their hands into a singularity.
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Anonymous5: i lol'ed
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Masterdragon21: well here's the thing the Handcuffs are modifide to prevent them from breaking there hands and there body's they might be identical but hey it's a start
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Anonymous6: ANAL PAUNCH!
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Masterdragon21: that is so funny and true lol
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biggerstaff: Copy-pasta'd bodies are NOT what I call 'art' by any stretch of the imagination. Stop drawing and take some art classes. Oh, and download GIMP. Completely free, and 9001x better than paint.
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biggerstaff: Also, if they want to avoid "breaking there hands", shouldn't THEIR hands actually EXIST?
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Masterdragon21: oh boy i'll think about it and it's in those modified Handcuffs that I built
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Anonymous7: MasterDragon21, its important to remember that no matter where you go you're going to have critics.
Take a chill pill, keep practicing and you'll get better.
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Anonymous8: Here is the way the internet works with porn pics. If people generally like it, you will get little to no commands on the pic when they view. However, if people generally hate it, you will get a lot of commands on the pic to put it down.
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Masterdragon21: hm... I see well I'll keep that in mind
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Anonymous9: cant we all agree that masterdragon just sucks in general and leave it at that. the world has too much hate to begin with.
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Anonymous10: Masterdragon

1. You can;t call it art... it was never art to begin with.

2. MS Paint is shit... you know it we know it... STOP DEFENDING IT..

3. If you can do better.... DO BETTER,... but seeings as you can't do better... STOP DRAWING until you do..


5. IT obvious all you want is ass kissing.. and im sorry but if your ass is spewing shit no ones gonna kiss it...

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Anonymous11: here's an idea. if you dont like it dont click it. all of you that are bitching are either emo's or just have such shitty lifes you need to bitch at some one else. seriously you cry baby fucks need to get a life.
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Anonymous12: Everyone please cut MasterDragon21 a break here. He's obviously got the heart to be an artist, and there's talent in there; if you don't see it then compare it to something YOU yourself have drawn. Don't crush his spirit, encourage it! Practice makes yes, keep posting!
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jaycro: But..... I love crushing spirits
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Masterdragon: thank u anon13 and no joycro don't crush my spirits
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Anonymous13: I love the concept, I think the two are a very good pair to have in a hentai image. But the art begs to differ.
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Masterdragon: thanks Anon14
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AnOniMouse: Don't stop drawing. Now I WILL say that if you don't want critisiscm this bad, then don't post it, but PRACTICE.
I started drawing recently, and it is pretty good. Really detailed. But they take me ten days and still aren't perfect anfd they bug te crap outa me. What I can't do is cartoons, and different perspectives. So I practice
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Masterdragon: Hm... ur Right AnOniMouse I will not stop Drawing and Practice harder to get better complaments thanks again and Pinkophile its something I wanted to give a shot only it might hurt there butts if it not Mechanical :D
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Anonymous14: WTFuck guys? Lay off. Compared to anything YOU could draw, hes fucking da vinci, bitch
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Masterdragon: @Anonymous: thank you someone is cool enough to care
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Anonymous15: I search for Grey Delisle tag hoping to see some hot fakes and this is the only thing I find...
truly depressing. a stroke victim chimp could turn out better shit than masterjerk.
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Anonymous16: ok anon15, you don't know anyone's capabilities, me for instance i went to college and studied art for 4 years and i have 9 year experience in comic writing and drawing. and Masterdragon you have a lot to work on starting with toes, but i believe in time you will be a amazing artist
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Zvantastika: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Masterdragon: @Anonymous: well early works is always the steps to making them better
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Anonymous17: @Masterdragon:Early Works My Ass, There is virtually no difference in this trash from the trash you upload now.
You want to know why?
1. You don't improve because you never try to improve. For fucks sake if you really gave a shit about anything other than turning horrendous crap that you consider masterwork because one or two people claim its not terrible, (I say one or two because it seems that that's usually the total amount of people willing to defend you at a time and we all know that you yourself are one of those anon's) anyway if you really cared at all, you would have at least tried an actual graphics program, even if it were a demo version. Because real artists use MS Paint as much as pro fishermen use a kids snoopy fish pole.
2. every single solitary time someone offers you anything but mindless ass kissing praise you scoff at them and tell them that you are better than they are turning many of them against you.
3. What really pisses me off, is when someone points out an obvious mistake and you turn around and pretend like it is meant to be that way, ... It's my style... Maybe if(insert scenario)it would be like that... nothing but excuses for laziness and lack of skill. God damn I wouldn't even let seeing your shit bother me at all if you would own up and admit it was a error you overlooked, but fuck no, everything that you do is perfect in your eyes and if anyone points out a flaw, you make up a bunch of bullshit to explain away the flaw as deliberate. that's how fucking shallow and full of shit you are, and you deserve every fucking troll that hounds you. go ahead and insult me fucker because you're so fucking reviled here by everyone else that it won't come off as anything but petty butthurt. Until you stop deluding yourself and make a fucking attempt to improve, I hope that everything you post here is downvoted to oblivion, and has hundreds of troll comments forever attached to them.
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Masterdragon: @Anonymous: like i said this was my earliest work and soon this will have a remake moment soon so i don't care what you say nor think because many member do care and such because no matter what you think about me or my artworks i don't care i focus on the character i try to make it creative and i do listen to those that truly matter giving me this crap isn't going to make any differents
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Anonymous18: This is a born site. You guys are seriously arguing on a born site. This is sad. And stop being such art critics. Its ducking born. Who cares. Just jerk of and move on. If you didn't like the guys drawing why the hell did you click on it? Im only here because the damn thing is taking forever to load.
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Anonymous19(18): Porn* my bad. My auto correct is too clean for this.

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