Anonymous2: @PeterGriffin1999: You're right, Eurotrish is a "Perdante". Which is "loser" in French, Even I wish that imaginary friend has never been introduced nor existed in the first place.
PeterGriffin1999: @Anonymous: Go fuck yourself, I'm gonna get rid of that annoying imaginary French loser. Even if I have to hired the Toon Patrol weasels from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, To the dirty work for me by giving her a bath of "Dip" or should I like to call it "Toon Acid". And she'll say "Au revoir" forever, While for Mac on the other hand. He'll finally get to be with his redheaded girl in the whole wide world, And that is Frankie Foster!
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This is an Endgame joke, by the way. >_<
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