Anonymous1: Listen... as a previous Jaiden lover, I have begun to realise the sad truth... Jaiden is no longer cute... She is too old... She has over 1000 pictures & most of them are weird fetish shit. I fucking hate it. I am not the only one who thinks this... As on every fucking forum, fans of Jaiden spam their disgusting porn to everyone & act like 11 year olds. It is time for JaideNiggers to Fuck off! And for those few decent people of them to move on to another animator who deserves more attention... Maybe, we should try to make more porn of others, to name a few, Shgurr, Emirichu, Stariaat, Ginjaninjaowo, CypherDen, Lilypichu, Soproxi, KittyDog, Yuunarii Katzun, Chipflake, Red (From Overly Sacrastic Productions), & so many more... Hell, even Chillypanda is cuter than fucking Jaiden! I call for everyone with even a shed of decency to agree with us & to help fight against JaideNiggers, so we can perhaps start actually getting decent porn.
First off, your extremely ignorant to ignore the serious cancer that is JaideNiggers & how they overreact at even the tiniest of criticism. You are apart of the problem.
Second, because it takes so much creativity away, Jaiden has been around for 2 fucking years if not more & all her fans are being fucking autistic. She has over 1000 images & still going strong. We are fucking tired of it. She was cute for a few months. That's it! & She is honestly taking the stage while other & cuter youtubers still have 0 pictures of them. Your either with us. or a JaideNigger defender!
Fuck the Jaiden R34 Reddit!
"Why does this matter?"
First off, your extremely ignorant to ignore the serious cancer that is JaideNiggers & how they overreact at even the tiniest of criticism. You are apart of the problem.
Second, because it takes so much creativity away, Jaiden has been around for 2 fucking years if not more & all her fans are being fucking autistic. She has over 1000 images & still going strong. We are fucking tired of it. She was cute for a few months. That's it! & She is honestly taking the stage while other & cuter youtubers still have 0 pictures of them. Your either with us. or a JaideNigger defender!
- Reply
Fine then guess I'm a JaideNigger then.
Please take a bath with a toaster at this point you not only spam the threads on 4chan but also cry in the comments here because its jaiden.
Get an account I'm donem commenting here we can settle this in PMs