Anonymous10: @bonerific: Well hermaphrodite is a technical term that means a specific thing, which in this case means having functioning sets of male and female sex organs, either simultaneously like a snail or one after another like several different species of fish and frogs.
Intersex is a term covering everyone whose sex chromosomes aren't the standard XX or XY. Now about one in ten thousand people is intersex, but when you apply that to a population of over 7.8 billion people that adds up.
Educate yourself, fool
bonerific: @Anonymous: Who do you think you're fooling? Alot of you trannies are bunch of yurifags that jack off to dick chicks then larp as "lesbian women" online. You ain't fooling me nor the rest of us who aware of your behavior patterns. No matter what dress you wear, or what makeup you have on, you will never pass, since your manly voices, manly shoulders, manly 5 o'clock shadow, & manly Adams apple will always be a dead giveaway of your real gender.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: No you can't, Bonerific. You don't have some magical "transdar", you're just making guesses based on your own preconceived notions.
Que es la combinacuion perfecta
It is so cute but so rich
What is the perfect combination
And what the hell is this joebiden pedo shit is this?!
Intersex is a term covering everyone whose sex chromosomes aren't the standard XX or XY. Now about one in ten thousand people is intersex, but when you apply that to a population of over 7.8 billion people that adds up.
Educate yourself, fool
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