Anonymous13: “Yo why does the canonically male character have a vagina?”
“Is there anything wrong with having a vagina?????”
“I agree why do you care so much why would you ask that????? Is there anything wrong with it??? Are weeeeee gonna have a problem???”
“Guess what trans people exist and this artist usually draws him trans calm down YOU ARE ONE OVERREACTING!!!l
No one asked for the social justice police guys the dude just asked a question
Anonymous16: Jesus Christ the guy literally just asked why Doppio had a vag and you guys immediately start getting salty. I'm apart of LGBT myself, but I don't go around finding things to get mad at, especially when someone asks why a canon male character has a vag. You can just calmly tell them that the artist draws them as trans without immediately getting pissy and trying to start shit on a fucking porn site smh
summercarnival96: Came back to this comment section to say that i don't really give a shit if a male character has a vagina or something. If the artist wants to do that, then it’s none of my business.
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Bruh those two people are calm. The only ones who isn't calm is @Samfuckedtotallyspies: . Plus, shame on you @Anonymous: didn't you learn not to answer a question with another question at school. It's basic stuff. Salute to @Anonymous: and @Anonymous: thougH.
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“Is there anything wrong with having a vagina?????”
“I agree why do you care so much why would you ask that????? Is there anything wrong with it??? Are weeeeee gonna have a problem???”
“Guess what trans people exist and this artist usually draws him trans calm down YOU ARE ONE OVERREACTING!!!l
No one asked for the social justice police guys the dude just asked a question
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(Also, i'm a girl)