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Sorry4BeingAlive: this is fake.
youtüb would never let anyone upload porn
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Sorry4BeingAlive: also like/dislike bar is grey, not red and green
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Sorry4BeingAlive: also it says "epic epic hoola"
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Sorry4BeingAlive: ALSO there is no description
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Sorry4BeingAlive: A L S O
besides thrumble nothing in "how to unlock mario in fortnite" has to do with my singing monsters saga
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NSFObjects: @Sorry4BeingAlive:
The joke went right over your head, didn't it?
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Sorry4BeingAlive: @NSFObjects:
no this were errors that even in a parody can be wrong
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Sorry4BeingAlive: but i want to know what did candelavra do to be apologizing to 807.8 Million peoe
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Sorry4BeingAlive: A l S o
i just noticed Deedge's speakers in the back
Deedge isn't available in earth island
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Anonymous1: Lip smacking ASMR from maw. Lol
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Despacito128: @Sorry4BeingAlive: bruh did you not see the summer song?
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Sorry4BeingAlive: @Despacito128: yeah
it's just a prank bro
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Anonymous2(1): The link actually goes to a song.
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Anonymous3(1): The fact that a video has 108 billion views scares me.
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Anonymous4: request: adult male yelmut and adult female glowl! maybe something about how yelmut is way too loud/vocal during sex? keep up the great work!
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Anonymous5: @Sorry4BeingAlive: 1st epic is to describe the blowjob, 2nd epic is cos it's being performed on epic hoola
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Sorry4BeingAlive: @Anonymous: Epic epic epic hoola gamer pro move moment
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Anonymous6(4): Gnarelle?
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Sorry4BeingAlive: @Anonymous: no u
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YelmutFucksALemon: oh, well. it was worth a shot.
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Anonymous7: That recomended section is just the best
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YelmutFucksALemon: this predicted thrumble on bone island
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Anonymous8: @Sorry4BeingAlive: if you're innocent enough, the cum could just be the melted ice from deedge
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Anonymous9: @Sorry4BeingAlive: It's art, the last time youtube had comic sans was..... long ago... so just fucking deal with it you dumb piece of shit, we know it's fake. We already it. It's supposed to be fucking art.
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Anonymous10: Hello hello, I’m not where I’m supposed to be.
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Anonymous11: @Sorry4BeingAlive: You're extremely autistic.
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Anonymous12: R/wooosh
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Anonymous13: let's be honest, epic hoola looks shocked. (or does he look scared? or suprised?)
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Anonymous14: Of course it went sexual
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Anonymous15: I wanna find out how to unlock mario in fortnite
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Anonymous16: Does epic hoola's sound cloud have dope-ass music?
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Anonymous17: @Sorry4BeingAlive oh, so its just a prank? Well,It's not funny, I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad that I would have preferred that the joke had slipped my mind and you stopped telling me the joke. To be honest, this is a horrible attempt at trying to make fun of me. Not a giggle, not a hehe, not even a subtle burst of air out of my esophagus. Science says that before you laugh, your brain prepares the muscles in your face, but I didn't even feel the slightest twitch. 0/10 this joke is so bad I can't believe someone legally allowed you to be creative. The amount of brain power you must have put into that joke has the potential to power every house on Earth. Get personality and learn to make jokes, read a book. I'm not saying this is funny, I'm serious about how this is just an embarrassment in comedy. You've just killed humor and every comedic act on the planet. I am so disappointed that society as a whole has failed to teach you how to be funny. Honestly, if I put all my power and time into trying to make your joke funny, it would take Einstein himself to build a device to tether me so I could tap into the energy of a billion stars to do it, and even then that whole joke that people would receive is a subtle touch.
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: I just read that whole thing, and I'm shocked.
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous18: me too god damn
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Anonymous20: I want to watch Thrumble's video

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