GabViz: Ya tengo fecha para decir cuándo publicare el comic
Sera en Noviembre 5 por ahi y si surgen cosas en Diciembre
Tengo algunos problemas de tiempo
Anonymous2: Hey GabViz, I have a question. Are you one of those perverted, fat guys sitting around lazy with a bag of chips on one hand and towels on the other hand, or are you rather someone clean.
I do not know why but I have to know! Are you a boy or a girl? You do not have to answer me if it is too private for you.
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Sera en Noviembre 5 por ahi y si surgen cosas en Diciembre
Tengo algunos problemas de tiempo
I do not know why but I have to know! Are you a boy or a girl? You do not have to answer me if it is too private for you.
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1er duo: Nita y Shelly
2do duo: Colt y Rosa
3er duo: Piper y Brock
4to duo: Penny y Bibi
5to duo: Leon y Jessie
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