Anonymous2: Anonymous1 i hate you and people who writting: Eww.... I waNN How FLAWER P******p on $_)#$%)(I
Fuck you! And fuck you all who want when somebody fart or poop
Anonymous3: i want to fuck this guy above me and above the guy who is above me, the guy who's below this and the guy who's below the one who's below that guy and even the one who created this, whoever gave birth to the one who created this picture, the boyfriend of whoever gave birth to the guy who created this picture, the one who is reading this, the friends, frenemies and enemies that the one who's reading this has, the mom and dad of the friends, frenemies and enemies that the one who's reading this has, myself, my mom (not dad cause i don't have any), my pet, your pets, etc.
Fuck you! And fuck you all who want when somebody fart or poop