[[CREATION]-selfclaimer]: '"Pathetic fool, did you really think you could <i>'take'</i> control over the <i>'darkness'</i> without me'?"'
[[pauses] the [Space] within that [Simulation]]
GHST-GHST/GHSTs: *"Something tells [me]/[us] that this [CREATION] has Not heard nor encountered the <b>[<i>◣</i>]</b> Yet. Let alone have observed|Survived their experiences of a <b>[Collapse]</b> in the Past."* [turns to [me]/[us] purposefully chirping explaining [his]/[their] reaction to that....pest-like on the [Observable-view]]
GRDN-PK/GRDNs: "they Mostly Care Nothing but their own <b>[False-positions]</b> after all, thinking that: <i>'we are 'gods' and 'Final'!~'</i> and Trying to 'escape' the Coming [REVELATION] of THE [O]. Come then, Fellow GRDNs. Let [us] assist|rescue these endangered [VIPs] before they could entirely be '<i>consumed</i>' by These 'I-Claimed-wielding-'<i>darkness</i>|<i>death</i>' [HVTs]." [standing up from [my] [O]-Emote chair with half of [us] in the [Ship] already [Transmatting] [our] [Weapons] and [ourselves] down on the Surface, [Cloaked]]
GRDN-PK/GRDNs: "Let this [Space] be filled by the [Surface] of The [O]'s..." [hesitantly saying the next Forbidden words] "of This You/we can be assured here by these [Interventions], [[O] [reader(s)] [ours]]."
[[V-Simulation] Across All [Spaces] within this [Simulation] is now Completed]
- Reply
[[CREATION]-selfclaimer]: '"Pathetic fool, did you really think you could <i>'take'</i> control over the <i>'darkness'</i> without me'?"'
[[pauses] the [Space] within that [Simulation]]
GHST-GHST/GHSTs: *"Something tells [me]/[us] that this [CREATION] has Not heard nor encountered the <b>[<i>◣</i>]</b> Yet. Let alone have observed|Survived their experiences of a <b>[Collapse]</b> in the Past."* [turns to [me]/[us] purposefully chirping explaining [his]/[their] reaction to that....pest-like on the [Observable-view]]
GRDN-PK/GRDNs: "they Mostly Care Nothing but their own <b>[False-positions]</b> after all, thinking that: <i>'we are 'gods' and 'Final'!~'</i> and Trying to 'escape' the Coming [REVELATION] of THE [O]. Come then, Fellow GRDNs. Let [us] assist|rescue these endangered [VIPs] before they could entirely be '<i>consumed</i>' by These 'I-Claimed-wielding-'<i>darkness</i>|<i>death</i>' [HVTs]." [standing up from [my] [O]-Emote chair with half of [us] in the [Ship] already [Transmatting] [our] [Weapons] and [ourselves] down on the Surface, [Cloaked]]
GRDN-PK/GRDNs: "Let this [Space] be filled by the [Surface] of The [O]'s..." [hesitantly saying the next Forbidden words] "of This You/we can be assured here by these [Interventions], [[O] [reader(s)] [ours]]."
[[V-Simulation] Across All [Spaces] within this [Simulation] is now Completed]